A Compromise

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We sit in the kitchen in awkward silence. But no one feels as awkward as me. I mean, first someone breaks in, then attacks me and later throws me into the spotlight? This day had been going so well, I was so close to being rid of the terrible nuisance some like to call hair. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I slowly stand up from my chair and hope no one notices me. Luckily, they are too busy talking or glaring at each other to care. I take a step towards the door, then another. I'm free! I'm-

A strong hand grabs the back of my neck and throws me down on my vacated chair. Usually, I'd have been able to land in the seat with cat like Grace, but if you had forgotten there were four people in the house who are not part of the team. Ergo, my luck is back to its normal mischief. I land in the chair. Wait, what?! Yes! I had defied fate! I had-

The chair tips backwards and deposits me on the hard kitchen floor in a chaotic mess. Yep, welcome back luck.
I hear a snicker and glare up at Nightshade, who had evidently been the one who caught me sneaking away. Just then I feel the burn of eyes on me. I swallow the lump in my throat and turn my gaze to the rest of the table. Three pare if unfamiliar, male eyes watch me and three female eyes look at me. Some show sympathy, some laughter, and a few astonishment. Yep, that's luck for ya. You make fun of it in your head one time and this is what you get.

I stand up and right the chair, then sink into it. I glance around the table. Everyone's attention is back to where they belong, away from me. Chameleon is helping by tending to the BFG, (who's name we discovered is actually Buch, but I like this nickname better. I loved that book, and the big guy reminded me of the big friendly giant, so it just stuck.) It's funny, and maybe a little cute, to watch. The BFG is looking away from Chameleon, a slight blush on his face. He is big, and I mean BIG, demanding attention from his size. This guy was truly bigger then life itself, with muscles all over, while Chameleon is, well, chameleon. She is extra small and plane looking. As I mentioned before, she is easily over looked and forgotten. These two couldn't look any different, and it was cute in a way. I look back at the table, a knowing smile on my face, but it quickly vanishes when I notice some one watching me. Starring at me. I don't meet his eyes, don't even glance his way, but I know exactly who it is. It's cleaning lady. Okay, I now know his name is not in fact cleaning lady, but he's the one who told me to call him that when we first met.

I look desperately around trying not to meet his eyes. I can't help but chuckle when I see Hood. He's standing behind Firecracker and Cherry bomb's chair, each arms resting in the back of both chairs. He leans forward and is currently talking to them with what reminds me of Flynn Rider's smolder. Cherry bomb is full on ignoring him while Firecracker is giving him the stink eye. He was trying so hard, but both girls refused to give him the time of day. Scare Crow, Nightshade and Cleaning Lady are having an intense discussion, probably about the mission. I'm just relieved Cleaning Lady is no longer starring at me. I count heads and realize someone's missing. I glance around the room and my eyes land on Palm reader. She stands, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen, looking over all the conversations, probably evaluating the new comers.

I start to consider tying to leave, but I didn't know if Palm Reader would stop me. What if Nightshade had bribed her or threatened her, making sure that I would stay. You never know with Nightshade. Just as I considered activating the fire alarm to try to escape (yes, I'm that desperate) Nightshade stands up. All conversations, or flirting, stop abruptly as Nightshade commands their attention. She had that effect in people, making them want to listen to what she has to say, look to her in times of need, those types of things. She was a born leader, no doubt about it.

"We have come to an agreement." She says. At this the rest of the boys look confused, but I sit up a little straighter, not saying much seeing as I had just been slouching, trying to hide my self under the table. "The boys have agreed to let us have the Ruby Key." She says. At this Cherry Bomb does a fist pump in the air, which almost nails Hood in the chin. I have a feeling she meant to hit him, but don't dwell on it. "On a couple of conditions." My hopes, which had just been souring above the clouds that this would be over start to dwindle. Conditions?

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