Operation Feed Ruby

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Nightshade stands after finishing her pancake. "That was good." She moans, then walks over and puts the plate in the sink. She turns to me. "So, Cody, why did you decide to come back here and make breakfast for us?" I shrug. "Just wanted to, I guess." The truth was that the house still didn't have power. We usually stay at Nick's, but seeing as nothing was working there was no way to eat. The food was going bad and the burners wouldn't turn on. We had our own reasons to coming back, but she didn't need for know that.

There was also another reason. Yesterday we didn't get a lot of information out of Nightshade. We knew the next step in the plan, but not the complete heist. We didn't even know the final prize. The rest if the team didn't know anything about it, and Nightshade was one puzzle that we had no hope in cracking, but there was one person who knew everything. One who wasn't closed as tightly. A loose end. We wait in the van and watch as the rest of the team leaves. One after another, going their own separate ways. After everyone had left, we drive up to the house and park. We get up to the porch and look at the locks. They weren't even locked. I guess with Ruby home there was no reason to lock up. Any intruders would have to face her and her master invention, the one they call a house.

We walk in and look around. It's completely silent. We split up, some going upstairs and other trying other rooms. I walk up to the room I had seen Ruby disappear into earlier. I tap the handle to see if it's hot or shocking, but don't feel anything. Hopefully it's not trapped. I slowly open the door and look in. I don't see Ruby, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was in here. The room is completely full, only a small space visible through all the mess. It had a desk, a chair, and a light. It's the only clean and empty spot in the room. I walk in and look around. The room is huge, but you couldn't tell that from here. The only place you can stand is about as big as a broom closet, the rest packed with who knows what.

"Ruby?" I call. There was no answer. She had to be her, we had watched every one else leave. I look around for movement. Nothing. After a couple minutes, I finally give up. Walking out if the room and to the kitchen, I find the rest of my team. "Find anything?" I ask. They all seem their heads. I guess she must if slipped out. We all leave the house and climb into the car. Crow walks up to the driver door, but I beat him to it. He raises an eyebrow at me. Crow always drives, but this time I want to. "My turn." I say simple. Crow just shrugs and climbs into the passenger seat. I start the car and we drive down the road.

Crow turns to me. "So, what we doing?" He asks. I look over at him. "Oh, just a quick grab and go." I say simply. Crow starts to nod his head, then stops. "What?" I watch the road. "You'll see." I say, watching ahead of us.
I here Hood mutter something about food, and I watch the road. Just one quick stop to make.


I make it to the pizza place. At last! It wasn't a long walk, but when your out in the open it feels like miles upon miles. I walk in and freeze. No, no no no no no. My heart starts to beat faster. The whole room is crowded with people! All this journey, and for not. I couldn't do this. I should have just talked to Nightshade. Given, she probably would have given this huge speech about socializing and that type of insanity, but still. I wouldn't have to face this alone! Why does fate hate me so.

I was about to go back out the door when a large group of men come barging in. They push each other around and laugh loudly. When they see me, their smiles only grow more vile. There are about six of them. All large and with greasy hair and beards. They stand by the door. Well, there goes my hope of leaving.

I walk up to the counter and look around. A short, smiling girl sees me. She walks over and gives me a wide smile. "What can I do for you today?" She asks. She is, hands down, the happiest girl I'd ever seen. I can easily see her skipping through a field of flowers while she sings her heart out. This only makes me more on the edge. "Hi, um, i, you know . . . Called." Her smile doesn't raver. "Do you mean your picking up?" She asks. I nod my head. "Okay dockie!" She says, then skips off out of sight. Wow, is that what it feels like to be a living Barbie doll? I'd rather stay a crazy odd hermit, if you don't mind. She comes skipping back, holding a box if pizza. "One meat lovers extreme." She sings off. My eyebrows furrow. "How-"

"Yours was the only pick up." She says with a wink. Why did she have to wink? There was no reason to wink. Was she just so hyper her eyes couldn't help it.

She types on the cash register, then looks up at me. "That will be a total of $8.99." I grab my wallet out of my bag and quickly grab a ten dollar bill. When I grab it, the rest of the content falls out. A lot of crisp, green bills fall on the floor. I wince when I see it. I didn't mean to bring so much, but I guess I forgot about my last heist. Now about five thousand dollars litter the floor. I quickly dive down to the floor and grab the money, hoping no one noticed.
"Um, mam, I can't make change for this." I stuff the money in my bag, not looking at her. "Why not?" I ask, only half paying attention. She clears her throat, and that's when no look up. "Its a thousand dollar bill." She says. Her eyes are big and I think she's shaking a little bit. I quickly grab the bill out if her hand and stuff it with the rest. "Sorry." I mutter. After a little bit longer, I find my sack if coins. It's a very large bag with a lot of quarters in it. I keep the bag for emergencies, and this is definitely an emergency. I count out the right amount, which takes a lot longer then I like, and hand them over to the still shocked girl. Grabbing the pizza container, I turn and make my way to the door. The group of biker men are still by the door, but now they look at me in a different way. I can see it in their eyes. I'm a defenseless walking piggy bank, and the darkness in their eyes tell me everything. They want to break me open and take that money, and they don't care what will happen to me. I slip the pizza into my bag and make my way down the street, glancing behind me every few seconds. After a couple minutes, I make it to our street. Unless had seen no sign of the men from before, and let out a sigh of relief. I had made it. Now I could enjo-
Car tiers squeal behind me as a white van pulls to a stop. I here the back doors swing open and heavy foot steps. I don't wait a moment longer. Gripping my bag, I run as fast as I can down the street. I here the heavy footsteps behind me, getting ever closer. My heart feels like it's about to burst with fear and exertion, but I don't slow down. If I could just make it to the house, I would be able to-

A large hand grabs the back of my neck. My head my have stopped, but the rest of my body didn't seem to listen. It flings out in front if me, and the next thing I know I'm laying in the cement. I start to scramble away, but before I can large arms rap around me. They pull me up, kicking and biting, and the attacker holds me to his broad chest. He has a hand over my mouth and the other arm is restraining me, pinning me against him. We make our way to the van, and I feel tears of frustration leek out my eyes. I try everything, but this guy seems to know what he's doing, not letting a puny girl like me get the best of him. When we make it to the van, he roughly throws me in, and I start to try to crawl towards the door, but more hands grab me, pulling me deeper into the van. The back doors slam shut and I feel the car speed away from my street and any hope of escape.

Stealing RubyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora