Granny House

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We pull up to a small, two story building in the middle of a neighborhood. It's small and creme colored, nothing unusual or even noticeable about it. I stick my head out the window.

"Are you sure this is it?" I ask, doubts lacing my words. Crow only nods behind me. I sigh and get out the car, closing the door behind me with a loud creak. I look up at the house as the rest of my team empties the vehicle. "Well, boys," I say, "you ready to meet them?" I only hear a grunt in response. Good enough for me. We make our way under the driveway, our feet crunching over the gravel. I look around, expecting to see video cameras or warning signs or even a mechanical bird, but there was nothing. There was a large tree in front of the house, an old rope swing hanging from it, but that was about it. This looked more like an old grandparents house instead of a base for an elite team of thieves. Crow had gotten an email this morning, something about a truce, and they had used coded words, proving that they were from the network and wanted a type of exchange. It had a meeting place, some park next week, but I didn't feel comfortable with that. I always liked to be one step ahead, and that's how we ended up here. At this old granny house.

We walk up the stairs and I look around. No door bell, no window to look through, nothing. I look at the lock and it wasn't your normal, simple meddle lock. It was much more complex. Plus there were six if them. I guessed there were probably about three locked, so that if someone tried to pick the lock they were unlock half of them while licking the other three. It was actually pretty smart. Either this was an extremely paranoid grandma's house or this was our place.

I wave Crow up. He sauntered forward, then expects the locks. He chuckles. "Easy pickin'." He say, waving his hand. He grabs some tools from his pocket and gets to work. A few seconds later, he backs up triumphantly. I nod at him, then step forward. My hand rests on the cool handle, but I freeze. I had heard something. Was that a crash? I slowly open the door, peek inside, then open it fully in shock.
Because of the design of the house, from the door I have a perfect view into the kitchen and living room, which means I have a perfect view into the mayhem. A girl is appealed on the ground in the living room, hey legs tangled in a tipped over chair. Another two are trying to get up, but keep accidentally tripping rather. In the kitchen, a girl was helping the other up. When they see us, they all freeze what they're doing. What that thing is, I have no clue.

Directly in front of me stands a shortish girl with long, golden blond hair. Her back is turned to me, but I can see her clutching a chunk of her hair in one hand and scissors in the other, ready to cut her hair at a weird angle. Why, exactly, I don't know. "You can't stop be!" She yells. The voice is vaguely familiar, but only slightly. Why, I don't know. I can't help but chuckle at the while thing. What, did get boyfriend dump her or something? "That would be quite a waste." Her back stiffness instantly. I see her start to shake as she slowly turns around. The smirk falls from my face when I see her. It was the girl! The one from the hotel. But what was she doing here? The answer was obvious, but I was too shocked to actually take time to figure it out. A small whimper falls from her lips, her eyes turning fearful. Was I actually that scary?

I look into her bright, almost neon green eyes. I'd seen this color somewhere before, and not just from when I last met her. It nagged at the back of my mind. Where had I seen it before.

I was so distracted I didn't even hear what she said, but the best thing I knew the girl disappeared and my team was being attacked. By girls! They were so shocked they didn't even react at first, but that shock died quickly. We knew better then to underestimate others. We did look nothing more then a bunch of teens, after all. I stand in the door way, watching the fight from a far. I would step in if they needed me, but I knew my team had it handled. I look around, looking for the girl from earlier, but can't find her. Where had she gone? Just then I hear cry of pain and look over at Buch. He swings his arm out, and to my horror his strong arm connects with a girls face and she goes flying through the air. She lands and falls to the floor like a rag doll. Her black hair falls around her face and she tries to lift her self with shaky limbs. Her whole body seems to shake. How could Buch do that? He may be big and strong, but he was as soft as they come. He was a big sweet heart. How could he slap a girl like that?

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