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Let's put your problem simply: you lost your job.

Well, it wasn't your fault; working in an economic based field always means swimming with sharks, but you never though that the end of your payment-streak would hit you so fast.

The guy, you worked for, lost pretty much everything: his money, his wife and probably the house too. Not to mention his company.

So yeah, that was the beginning of your misery. And that's your story – written by life itself and experienced by no one other than your modesty.


You weren't born deaf, simpleminded or untalented, but the situation you have to face now is somewhat too overwhelming for your standards. You need money to pay current costs, food and other things that could come into mind. Your life isn't just a mess (that would be the biggest understatement ever spoken), it's a bloody havoc.

It seems like the whole industry branch you worked for before your dismissal was swallowed by a hungry giant. A giant, who started to become the world's leading power in trading jewelry – especially diamonds and corundum.

The minerals, you used to work with, were used for gems or as industrial materials. There are lots of possible uses, but now there is no longer any use for you, isn't it?

You started to work at a shabby bar to gain fully terrible payment – as a last resort. It won't cover your needs, not even the rent. The only advantage is a flexible timetable that leaves some space to apply for a better job. But who actually needs someone with your expertise? It was your job to examine minerals, to identify and value them. That is probably a pretty cool thing to do, yet no one offers any work with this kind of qualification.

No one but...


You put on your best suit, used up the last savings for some hairdressing and gathered your cracked poise to pull yourself through the upcoming event: an interview at the giant's.

Well...its actual name isn't giant but that would fit best. The company you are going to apply for is called Parasol. When you first read the name of that company-eating corporation, you saw it as bad joke, yet it is none.

So you see your own reflection during your walk through the endless entrance hall, which is completely made of the darkest basalt you have ever seen, steel and glass. It's as impressive as expensive. And big. ...whoever owns this company surely must be an imperious mind. To be honest: in preparation for today, you read a lot of articles about the owner and this company.

His Name is Uchiha Madara and he does not only have a hand for business but an outstanding appearance, too. But as everything in this world, pictures can be edited to increase any effects on the reader.


You need a job, that's your reason for coming here. So you had for the receptionist to make an appointment. ..


Waiting is by far the most enervating thing in the world, when you are excited as hell. Incessantly your fingertips are tapping on the glass below them. Getting nervous won't help you get a job, but you can't stop that motion – even if you want. Every minute feels like forever, every noise could make you jump, yet you are sitting there, sitting on a black sofa consisting of dark leather and probably more worth than your whole interior.

After an hour full of jumpiness and flurry the receptionist finally signals you to take an elevator. "Stop at floor number 54, take a left turn, then right..." It sounded more like an instruction for a maze...

So you take a last breath before the doors of the elevator finally open, than you take a step inside.

But you are not alone...

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