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The door to your new office opens after 20 long minutes of pure boredom – finally. If you had any expectations concerning your new colleagues you now have to admit that the three guys, that just entered the room, absolutely do not look like experienced mineralogists.

"Who do we have here, this is our new workmate?"

One of them looks like he just came from vacation, his skin has a delicious light brown coloration. Compared to him his colleague looks like his skin has never seen the sun before, even his hair is with like limestone. The last ones hairdo is pretty fancy: his straight white hair has some ink-like coloration in the tips of it.

"A Woman", 'the brown skinned says flabbergasted. "I didn't expect that."

"Neither did I", the pale fellow ads.

"However, let's welcome her! Where are your manners?"


They line up in front of your workplace and you shake hands. The holyday-guy's name is Kidomaru, Mr. vanish-white is called Kimimaro and the last of them is named Suigetsu. They belong to Orochimarus "old inventory".


After another guided tour through this floor you realize that the other rooms are archives, a little library, a kitchenette, a conference room, five meeting spaces and a huge workshop for examining, grinding and evaluating minerals. The last room is the biggest one actually. Basically it resembles your old working place but this one is unbelievable huge. They've allocated an entire floor just for this scientific field which homes just three – now four- employees?

Once taken the walk around your new place of work, Kidomaru starts telling you the basics about the internally hierarchy.

"Well, since we are like a little family here, we don't want to see one of us get ripped off by other departments because working here means living in the biggest gossiping hive you've ever seen. To be honest, I never expected Orochimaru-sama to employ someone else, even a woman, since Tayuya got fired last week."

"Yeah, that bitch deserved that", Suigetsu adds while shouting through the room.

"Tayuya" You reply her name slowly. The face of that virulent wench flashes in your mind's eye.

"Did you know her?", Kidomaru asks with obviously interested voice.

"Yes and no, she was commissioned to examine my employment test, but she... wasn't fair. Orochimaru-sama ... has intervened."

You watch three pairs of eyes going wide.

"So that was the real reason! Anko didn't say a word, but she was relieved to have that nuisance out of Parasol", the black haired reports. "Some say she slept with our boss, not Uchiha, the big boss, but Orochimaru. It was some kind off affair, but he dropped her since she got to clingy. That's what the gossip says." In Suigetsus eyes you literally can read "she deserved it".

"Everyone knew that Tayuya was mad in love with Orochimaru-sama, but for him she was just an employee." – "I remember the day she was allowed to move into one of the bureaus that are located one floor above us." – "That was annoying, I can tell you."

Kimimaro seems to be the quite one that doesn't cares to involve into gossip things. He just sits at his desk and listens quietly.

"Back to the topic, let's discuss that later, we have to introduce ____ to the dangerous people before it spells lunch time! So, you should avoid everyone who's not wearing a lab coat. Believe me, you cannot trust them, because they live in permanent struggle for their job, since all of them are easy to replace by any better educated candidate. That sounds hard, but this is how life works here. As Orochimaru-samas employees, we are somehow protected, because he is the head of all laboratories. Can you follow ____?"

"I think so." That is a lot of information, you wonder how one can survive here. Better not to leave the office but for practical work!

"The next thing is that Uchiha-Clan. We call it "The quote Uchiha" because every department – except this one – has an Uchiha-Clan member as supervisor."

There are more of them? You wonder...

"The reason for letting Orochimaru-sama being the head of this department is that he and Madara are working together since years and there is no inducement to chance that situation. But the other offices are led by an Uchiha. For example the legal department is under Uchiha Shisuis invigilation, the head of the personal management is Itachi. And there is Uchiha Izuna, too. He's the one when it comes to financial questions. As Madaras brother he is trusted with this issue. Etc... they all look the same, believe me! Dark hair, dark eyes and that unreadable expression, that's what an Uchiha is made of."

"Let me summarize: trust no one from other departments and... there is always an Uchiha?" That sounds a bit funny, yet it is no joke. "You nailed it, ____. Time for lunch! We usually order something or go out together with Anko if she's available. Join us, if you want!" – "I haven't worked a minute yet." You feel a bit uncomfortable. Taking a break before earning it? That feels strange!

"It's Monday. On Monday we usually receive new minerals or rocks to evaluate or analyze, because the assignments where gathered during the week by Orochimaru-samas secretary. So clients don't contact us while we work. The Week starts with a conference but today's one was pretty long since you are here now and we had to select some assignments for you. The rest of the forenoon was dedicated to get to know you. So... we did everything exactly as planned. Now I'm hungry."

"Me too", Suigetsu adds while Kimimaro simply nods.

"One last question, ____." This time the fancy haired speaks to you.

"Ask me", you answer.

"How did you get this job? When Tayuya was commissioned by Orochimaru, how could you come to speak with him?"

Remembering THAT moment you feel yourself blushing in deep red. "To be honest, I met him at the elevator when I was on my way to an interview for exactly this job, but they refused me by saying that Parasol has no need for me."

Silence. Suigetsu the most stupid grin you've ever seen, Kimimaro seems no to understand what happened and Kidomaru looks like he has seen a ghost.

"If truth to be told: many assignments were sent to other...outposts, but we only get the big fishes! It's demanding work, but no one has ever missed a deadline. You must have some skill and experience if Orochimaru had chosen you!" – "...In the elevator..." Now Suigetsus laughter bursts out of him. "I'm sorry, ____. It's just so... funny."

Your other colleagues start laughing, too. Be honest, it was a strange situation. Now you are here. Enjoy your work – after lunch!

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