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...some weeks later...

Working for Parasol is a whole new level of experience since the amount of money and work that lurk behind every assignment is sheer unbelievable. Although you can work whenever you want –thank kami for flextime – you have enough overtime to get paid twice this month.

Through the first two weeks Kidomaru was assigned to keep an eye on your doings, but after one week he complained, that there is nothing to observe, your work is excellent, you do your job as expected.

After eight weeks of pure work you settled into the working day. Every Monday you and the triumvirate hold a meeting together with Anko and sometimes Orochimaru joins you, too. You discuss about former assignments, problems – if given -, market situation or long term projects for the future. The main focus is to allocate new assignments. Since you are the new one, you'll get the small ones, which is okay, because they are one bunch of work, too. Usually you have enough time to comply the matter, but the desired goal is to finish everything within a week – exceptions are lavish and costly analyzed issues that demand more than a week to be done.

You even found out who 'stole' the job you applied for. At last you are happy to have this one because the other job is a labor-only employment and you would work under Kimimaro, Kidomaro and Suigetsu. However... the laboratory assistants work under your command which allows you to focus on other things. You need some SEM-Pictures or an Elemental Analysis? They'll do it for you. Otherwise you couldn't complete your task in five days without staying here all over the night.

And there is a ritual every midday: you have your lunch as closed group. Sometimes Anko joins, if she can put it into her strict schedule. At some rare occasions even Mr. Snaky honors you with his presence. The atmosphere is casual; Orochimaru isn't the bossy type while taking a break. Even the spiky haired is a talkative person, too. But one thing they all have in common: gossip and backbiting. Parasol is one hell of a blasphemous club. Intrigue, lies, pregnancies and terminations... you wonder how the people manage to work additionally.

Until today you saw two Uchihas that weren't Madara. Suigetsu was right, they all look similar, they probably have strong genes or they practice incest. However, there not much gossip about the big boss. He usually arrives by car or via helicopter – whatever he prefers. Most time – so they say – he plans to take over the world, but that sounds hilarious. It's too big, even for a magnate like him. Definitely confirmed is the rumor that his bureau occupies the whole floor. So it must look like a palace for a desk and a chair you suggest.


It's Friday, you managed to finish your work in time and for today you can use some hours form your overwork to go home early.

No matter how often you stand before that colossus a building, the stunning view from below will always make you feel infinitesimal. But now you are part of that hive, that big company owned by one of the richest men who walks on earth.

No one knows you except for you colleagues. The HQ of Parasol is like a hive of workaholics. Suigetsu told you that everyone is replaceable so they have to prove themselves worthy day by day. You live in the vantage to have someone like Orochimaru as supervisor. After Tayuyas booting out everything went fine...

As you walk through the breathtaking entrance hall where the artificial lights led you to believe the sun would shine right down from the heaven although this building is located between other great skyscrapers, you cannot get used to stat stunning view. Everyone who comes here will be cowed by the might of Parasol.

Since you finished your job already yesterday, you didn't have to come early today. Also Kimimaro was sent to Kirigakure and Kidomaru has some meetings down in Oto.

You saunter to the elevators. You even think about leaving after lunch so you could enjoy the afternoon. Next week – Anko announced it already – the triumvirate and you will get involved into a very, very big mission. Orochimarus assistant didn't concretize, but you'll get a shitload full of work too, that's for sure.

The heavy door of the elevator opens the cabin came from below, maybe some from the labors or the underground car park.

You take a look before you enter; during the rush hour the cabins are packed as hell, but now there is just one person standing in there.

Uchiha Madara.


You enter with a brief yet polite "Uchiha-sama" and position yourself next to the door. Although he has that kind of hard to describe aura that clarifies every hierarchy, you do not turn your back on him although it's hard. The ridge between respect and fear is very small and Rasa told you to show respect, not fear. Since he sent you out to many business meetings, you had to learn how to represent your company's interest properly. That required a self-confident appearance – one of many things you learned as his former right hand.

You try not to stare at him, yet you shouldn't look down at the floor because that would show some unwanted kind of devotion. You know how to make your damn job correctly so you don't have to hide or to fear a sack. You focus on spot at the opposite wall as if you were in deep thoughts.

In the corner of your eye you notice that Madara is still watching you. You take a small look: his face is unreadable, but you could swear his lips form a barely visible smirk. It's impossible to think he could remember your face, or could he? As head of Parasol he probably doesn't has the time for remembering all faces of his underlings since they are constantly changing.

As you reach the floor of your destination, step out, turn around bow as polite gesture, you noticed his changed pose. With having his head crooked the watches you with –this time- noticeably interest in your person. Then the doors shut again.

You wonder what's going on in his mind. 

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