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"Did you know: Painite is the rarest Gemstone known to men? Not the most expensive one, but the rarest since there are only two known deposits in the world?"

It took Parasol less than one week to get back Rasa's former, but sold piece of land, but the Triumvirate was occupied with that matter for about two weeks. In this time you took care of many assignments, but without having Suigetsu around it was strangely quiet in your sun-flooded office. Since the whole building harbors sly, arrogant and false people, you stuck to the laboratory assistants who were also pretty busy with their tasks.

"Still ugly", Suigetsu eyes Kidomaru with a bored look. "It looks kinda like crystalized puke. I wonder how one could spend millions of Ryo to buy a grinded piece of..." – "I got it."

Meanwhile you try to nip on your tea while taking a break after writing ten pages of report. The outpost from Kirigakure has made a special assignment that involved strategic minerals, not even gems that had to be evaluated. Anko has told you that your working field will be expanded, if the given task has high importance for Parasol. The company seems to be involved in nearly every geological field that exists.

"It's still ugly. If it would be present given by Big Boss Uchiha I still would not wear it."

Kimimaro nearly chokes on his misoshiro.

"They found about 3,000 carats in that deposit when we left. That a big number. ... lots of money if someone actually buys it", Kidomaru states without taking note on Suigetsu's comment.

"I don't care. I want to have it out of my reach."

Too bad Suigetsu has to examine all the found pieces...


During the dinner (which is surprisingly sponsored by Parasol) you feast together with the Triumvirate, Anko and your Boss Orochimaru who's apparently reading some urgent assignment. The woman with the spiky hairstyle seems to be somehow annoyed by just having a glance on the paper in her Boss' hands.

Meanwhile you fill your stomach with some delicious Castella which must have cost half a fortune compared to ordinary sweets, desserts and candies you can buy down in the streets.

"Why do I get the impression that this is our last meal? You know, I feel like a person condemned to death which can enjoy a last great supper", Suigetsu proclaims while eating all the Wagashi in front of him before anyone could even have the slightest chance to enjoy one. Then he grabs a bowl of Teriyaki which is embedded in rice and steamed vegetables.

Kidomaru just shrugs and continues to assault his Yakisoba.

"We could feast on this the whole week", you state without expecting a reaction.

"After having found so much Painite we are now in the favor of the Uchihas, but since we are called "the cream of the crop" amongst all mineralogists that work here, we are expected to deliver flawless work. And gifting one great dinner isn't more than a simple tip in the eyes of them. Sometimes they remind us that they value our doings greatly. In the last year we received thrice the salary for the last month we worked in our old place. This was to support and encourage our movement down here...and to enable to find a good dwelling. Uhm, sometimes Parasol is kind of generous with its employees."

That was probably the longest speech you've heard from Kimimaro. But before you have the time to answer you notice Orochimaru laying his papers down. Then he eyes all of you intently and hands the printed information to Anko who just skims it.

"Since we are now together as one department of Parasol, I have to reveal some announcements to you which would be discussed next Monday otherwise."

You lay down your chopsticks, this sounds serious.

"Without talking about the bush: Parasol wants to establish a new research and developing field that will investigate the creation and usage for artificial diamonds. Especially the utilization as superconductors will be the main focus."

Silence echoes through the room.

"Nah, that sounds like too much work down in the laboratories", the bigmouth starts the discussion.

"You'll work down there the whole time. To be more specifically: you'll be the leader of that department with your own staff and a good payment", Dr. Snake responds without a judging tone in his voice.

"We have a great work flow", Kidomaru objects. "Yeah man, never chance a running system ...that was one of the first things I learned in life", Suigetsu interjects. "They have enough Uchihas, they can do it." – "Kidomaru, watch your tongue! You want to defile our precious clean-of-a-qoute-Uchiha-department?" You watch the beginning debate between Kidomaru and the master of inquisition. Sadly it's cut down by Anko before it even starts.

"If I got it correctly, you are the first ones to receive that vacancy... and the only ones who could get that position without further inspection of your skills since all of you are proven as worthy. If you reject this announcement will be send out to the outpost – to lower instances. And since it's in fact signed by Uchiha Madara, I see it as a big deal, a very big deal." You can hear a hint of dislike in her voice. "To be honest: I think we do have a good workflow – as Kidomaru said. And with having ____ as irreplaceable reinforcement we can even achieve more since there is a good synergy between all of us."

"Synergy, that's the right word!"

"So you heard her, let's not do it. Besides I like my view and everything."

"I'll agree with the majority stake."

The triumvirate answers in unison. Still you watch Orochimaru who is apparently focusing you who had gone silent.

"I wonder...", you say, "I remember an article about another company that recently has started to investigate the same matter. Was it last week... written in The Mineralogist, I recall."

The sly grin of your boss strengthens your speculation. He knows something!

"Can you recall the name of that company?", he asks deepening the dark smirk.

"Senju, I guess."

You see cognition in the eyes of you teammates, while you wonder what you've unleashed now.

"Well, ____ isn't working here long enough to know that the Senju-Clan is the sworn enemy of the Uchiha-Clan, but Parasol has taken another development while Senju Medical Care has developed pioneering appliances in the medical sector. Every hospital owns their machines or one of their family members as a medical practitioner. But their seat is in the land of fire... where also the cradle of Parasol lies. The majority of the Uchiha-Clan still lives there. Both families are recognized as ... how to call it? I'd say legends or heroes maybe some kind of chosen ones, but Senju Hashirama was always the more liked one because they fought him as some kind demigod of medicine." Kidomaru scratches his head and tries to recall more facts. "That's all I know. The point is: they are enemies. And I see what the Uchihas are up to know.

Kimimaro nods and Suigetsu grins.

"What a bitch fight...." – "Orochimaru-sama, what do you think?" You ask before Suigetsu can start arguing.

Again the room falls silent.

"I'd rather like to see one of you in that position than I'd like to have second class employees here."

Well, that settles it...

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