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Before you are able to realize, who is just standing there, the electronic door closes behind you and the elevator resumes his journey.

The first one on the left side seems to be someone from a high echelon, maybe he works in the section for research and development. He wears a dark lilac suit covered by a lab coat. The strangest thing about him are his snake-like eyes and the violet markings surrounding them. His pale skin is a contrast to his long, shiny and black hair. You cannot judge his age, he could be thirty or fifty.

And the other one seems to be...

Crap, it's that Uchiha.

You feel your eyes widen. There is no mistake, it's him! No one has that special look, that remarkable optic and this bursting atmosphere of personality.

The photos were lying, he looks better than that. And he is just standing there, talking to this other strange guy. Still his air is incredibly superior.

You stare at the man, who wears a pitch-black suit that is tailored to his body, his dark hair is even longer than yours and ... and now you are in his focus.

The conversation stops immediately, two pairs of eyes survey you and stop at your visitor's badge, which clearly says candidate. It feels like someone had squeezed the last breath out of your lungs, like a loop is tightening around your throat, but still you manage to keep your countenance.

Madaras pose is as graceful as possible, yet so superior. Again, He is just standing there, having one arm put on a railing next to him and watching you dying silently. It's that other guy, who makes the first move. You don't know, why you are so nervous, none of these guys know you and why should they care for someone in your position?

"I haven't seen any female candidates for months. I'm probably working in the wrong industry field, don't you approve, Madara?"

You can see a fainting smirk on the leaders lips, yet he still looks like the alpha predator the media claims him to be.

"So, my dear, which position you are going to apply yourself for?", the lilac-wearing one asks.

"Mineral classification and evaluation, Sir", you answer politely. His smirk deepens, although he seems surprised by your words. "What a rare profession for a woman in these days. You're experienced, I might dare to ask?" – "Yes Sir, I worked for Suna Diamonds until I got fired... for economic reasons."

Madara still looks like the famous book with seven seals – unreadable like is his mind.

You just want to scream and run. You realize, you've forgotten to choose the floor, you have to go to. Luckily it is not too late to push the button.

"One last question: why do you think that Parasol could offer any work for you?"

What was that, the actual interview? You want to sink into the floor and die shamefully. That was the crunch question, but your time is running out, because you already reached the determined floor.

Time to go all-in. You take a step out of the cabin, take a direct look into the eyes of Uchiha Madara and tell him, what's on your mind.

"Who else could?"

Before the door closes, you believe to see another smirk. Maybe it was just a fiction of yours, who knows?

Well, what a ride! Now the interview should be a child's play. You survived Uchiha Madara face-to-face.

So...here you go! Could anything go wrong?

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