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"I apologize for this inconvenience; as it seems, we have to reorganize our staff too, since not everyone can keep up with the rules." With one last look he eyes Tayuya before she disappears behind the closing elevator doors. After making sure of her absence, Orochimaru leans himself against the solid metal-desk, his arms are still crossed, but his mood appears to be responsive.

"Since we already had the pleasure to meet, but not the chance to have a direct talk, we should rectify that issue."

You nod. He seems to be the first person that knows how to do his job.

"By chance, do you have your CV along? I'd like to have a look at it."

It's buried in your handbag. You reach for it to hand it to Orochimaru, who starts to read your application intently.

"Suna Diamonds", you hear him repeat that name after he finished reading. "Follow me, we'll talk in my bureau."

Now you are confused – again. No test? What was this all about?

Orochimaru seems to read your thoughts. His reaction to your countenance is a devious smirk. "I've seen enough for now. You've proven your knowledge by giving one of my former assistants a lesson in correct working methods. Somehow she forgot the basics of mineralogy and I'm grateful that you reminded her..."

His voice has a fading scent of mockery, sarcasm and the deepest cynicism you've heard in a while. Orochimaru is a sly one and if he becomes your supervisor, you should be ready for anything.


"I assume that you worked independently under your former boss...Rasa. I've met him countless times when I was the head of my own company, but Uchiha Madara offered me the opportunity of cutting edge research and development. Having less paperwork and more time to pursue my actual special field...well, I digress from my real intentions."

His public bureau is high above the other skyscrapers of the metropole, not even the international bank of the five great lands can reach that height. If that Uchiha Madara has his working place at the top-level ... how would it look like to have a watch down to the streets?

You blink. Back to reality, face your interview!

"So, ____. You've piqued my interest when you answered my questions. Normally I don't take care of employment matters, since Anko, my personal assistant, is entrusted with these kinds of tasks."

He focuses you.

"But in this case I can't let an expert slip through my fingers. Tell me something about your former job."

Before you even have the chance to open your mouth, the mobile phone in Orochimarus coat starts calling out for him. With one gracile move he pulls it out of his pocket and answers the call with sharp briefness.

"Take your time, we are not in a hurry", he annotates your latent insecurity. It's hard to describe your feelings after all that happenings. You're still here, so you have a chance!

"My job was to identify and value minerals for Suna Diamonds, mostly I worked with natural minerals for industrial use, sometimes I picked some pieces for precious gemstones, but that depended on the client. When exploring a new open-cast mining, Rasa sent me thither to take samples for first field evaluations. Well, after Parasols market conquest, Suna Diamonds tried to salvage itself by focusing on clay-minerals."

"I see."

You notice the absence of sound in this room. Even the loud traffic down in the streets seems to be locked out here. This must be some special kind of architecture.

"Since Parasols success is based on hard work, I'll cut out any further questions. I'm interested in your work, so we don't need to cling on formalities. Do you have any matters to settle before you can start working here?"

You shake your head. "No, everything is in order."

You heart starts beating faster. Is he really going to recruit you for this job? Less than an hour ago Deidara was literally sending you away and now...

The snake-like man lifts his cellphone and dials a number. "I'd like you to set up an employment contract. The date of its validity will be next week. ...Content class? Anko will take care of that matter I'll send her, too. ...fine."

It's really happening! It's really happening! It's really happening!

If you weren't here but in your flat, you probably would jump and scream and dance like crazy.

"It looks like we have a deal, Miss ____. "


...the chosen day arrived...

It's Monday, your first working day at Parasols. Some days ago you were honored to meet Mitarashi Anko while signing your contract. As Orochimarus left hand she told you to come here at 9 o'clock in the morning, which is a very late time since the whole world has already started to slave away hours ago. But according to the company the personal assistant was commissioned to introduce you to your new working place, although the spiky-haired one complained about her strict schedule. So she set your inauguration at 9 o'clock.

One would say you should have used the time wisely to sleep off, but you were too excited to even think about falling asleep. Even finding appropriate clothes for today felt like a safari through your closet. While working for Suna Diamonds there was no need for a strict dress code in the everyday work – except business meetings. You had your normal clothing and your lab coat.

Now you wear something neutral: a white blouse and a black pair of trousers which make you look semi-formal. You don't look like a secretary or the woman ready for the next meeting, but you are dressed properly ... at least you hope to do so.


"Here, we took the photo of your application. Should be okay, I'd say. And here, I'll give you a flip to attach it on your coat or clothing... or whatever you are wearing then. Make sure to take it with you wherever you go, the security can be quite paranoid. Furthermore you won't be able to enter neither the laboratories nor your workspace."

What a travel! Anko nearly raced through all relevant floors and rooms. You try to gather and sort out every important information she gave you.

Your desk is located one level below Orochimarus bureau. This means you have to get used to that stunning view up above the roofs of the city. The most unexpected thing was to find out that the number of you colleagues is a one-stop count. The department for mineral classification and valuation, so Anko told you, has always been occupied by a few workers. Yet the expectations are high. Other fields like oil research or technical development are well filled and nearly bursting.

Reaching the laboratories – you'll have your private working space, too – is quite a journey with the elevator, but since you get paid for it, it doesn't matter to you.

The busy woman hands you your ID-card and departs to another urgent meeting. For today your job is to be incorporated by an expelled colleague.

You try to remember the way to your office. The whole floor is assigned for your department, although there are countless rooms without inscription but with magnetic scanning devices. When Anko introduced you to this place, no one was working here. Still you are alone ... sitting on your big glass desk and waiting for something to happen.

The office is huge and shaped like a semicircle because of the building structure. The vitreous facade allows the sun to light up the room naturally. Some huge plants act as decorative room divers so everything appears agreeable and well chosen.

And no one is here. The windows are nearly soundproof; you have to listen with all your concentration to capture some noises from the traffic below.

So you start to wait...

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