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Orochimaru had a point when he said he wants someone of you to take that job. He does not want you or the triumvirate to chance the working place, but since that new department would be connected somehow to yours, he doesn't want strangers to bring havoc in here. He also made clear that he has no time to take care of another department next to the ones he rules.

Suigetsu, Kidomaru and Kimimaro also stated that they will not separate as team and Ankos was no educated mineralogist. Otherwise she would have done it.

In the end you acceded to do this. You could have refused, but you took the offer. Not for greater good only, but for your own progression, too. Every mineralogist would have said 'yes' in an instant because you'll funded research on cutting edge standard get tons of money, too.

"I'll have a talk with Madara later, he'll be satisfied to hear. ____, you'll get enough time to get familiar with that matter as long as the recruitment for your staff and the enticement from Senju Medical Care goes on.

... Anko. You'll transfer all of _____'s assignments to Kimimaro. She'll start to educate herself from tomorrow on."

And now you sit at your desk and thinking about the future while waiting for Orochimarus secretary to call you.

They are talking about you. You wonder what they are speaking about. Will Madara agree or does the think you as unworthy? You are not able to assess or estimate him, but if he'd say 'no' ... you don't end the thought, because there is some bitter taste in it.

Suigetsu has vanished somewhere, but you bet he is in one of the rooms located on this floor, hearing loud music, evaluating countless minerals while throwing a little tantrum about this job. Kimimaro was given the urgent order to take part in some negotiations alongside of Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Shisui as expert of minerals. And Kidomaru is sitting at his desk to do a lot of research concerning Neodymium which can be used to build strong magnets or collecting wind energy e.g.

Since everyone except you has a job to do –ok, you are intently waiting -, you'll start to search papers about artificial diamonds and everything about that carbon-gem. Still having to wait feels uncomfortable, but you try to ignore the thought that Madara turns down Orochimarus proposal.


After ten minutes you phone rings in a sudden. The number on the display tells you that Dr. Labor coat is calling.

You try not to sound nervous as you lift the telephone receiver up to your ear.


"_____, I've got some news for you. Would you be so kind and show up in my office? There are some things we have to talk about."

"Of course, Orochimaru-sama."

You hang up, straighten yourself and walk out of the bureau to take the elevator.

Calm down, _____, you remind yourself. If Madara rejected, he wouldn't waste his time telling you to come.

You head directly for the office, giving a small nod to his secretary whose name you still don't know, but everyone calls her just "Orochimaru's secretary".

You recognize that the snake-like man isn't the only one waiting for you. Immediately you notice the head of the clan who is sitting in an armchair.

"Uchiha-sama, Orochimaru-sama", you bow and take your seat next to the raven-haired. You feel him watching you, his glances feel like he is directly touching you. Still you don't show the slightest hint of uneasiness.

"____, welcome."

You realize that the curtains were closed, the room is dim.

"You are here to be informed about your career. We consulted about some grave changes and the new assignment that was given by Madara-sama." Orochimaru gives a small nod into the Uchiha's direction. "Also I informed Uchiha-sama that you are worthy to handle the tasks of your new workplace. Having agreed with my opinion, we called you here to notify and congratulate you for being promoted."

Now Madara raises himself to shake your hand – what an honor you think silently while smiling politely at the older man in the suit.

"In the name of Parasol felicitate you." – "Thank you, Uchiha-sama." The moment your hands touch you fell some kind of electric sensation rushing through your body. Madara's handshake is somehow self-conscious and firm, yet it feels like ... how does it feels like? Gently?

Before you can classify it, the contact breaks.

"I'll send you the contracts, from now on you can call yourself head of the... well, we'll find a proper name. We decided that I'll still be your boss, but not the one you'll send your reports to, because I'm not able to monitor more working fields right now. For you, you'll send important notifications to Uchiha Madara directly. Either you'll send them as mail or you'll deliver them personally – if it's urgent. That's up to you. Since you'll be confronted with a lot of work, it won't be necessary to report every week. If something noteworthy happens, let Uchiha-sama know."

You nod. "Of course."

"I'll have collected all material that relates to that matter, so you don't have to investigate by yourself. From now on your task is to deal with synthesizing diamonds. If I am informed correctly, your staff will be recruited within the next two weeks, but you'll have unlimited access to the laboratory as soon as the needed machinery is set up. As I said, you'll use the given time to educate yourself. I'll have some experts hired for the special equipment, you'll get enough instructions as soon as they arrive. Do you agree with my decision, Madara?"

You feel a hand on your shoulder – and it's not Orochimaru's. What seems like a supporting gesture in truth clarifies the state of his power. Body language is a big deal – if you can read it.

"I'll put my greatest trust in your decisions, Orochimaru. As for ____: get her everything she'll need – no matter the costs."

The big Uchiha is talking to your boss, but looking at you.

What have you gotten yourself into? 

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