Chapter 7:

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Clary woke to Austin yelling at the top of his lungs. For some reason, Nelson was sprawled on the floor like someone had pushed him off the bed.

Maybe Austin had thrown him off at some point in the night, Clary thought.

The light rays of the morning sun were slanting in through the young boy's window, casting a bright illumination in his room. Clary could use some more hours of blackness, not to sleep- no, that was the last thing on her want-to-do-list. She needed the darkness of the night to hide her so she can organize her thoughts and make something out of them. She could have pretended to be asleep, but it was too late. Nelson had already caught her eye. His face lit up with a smile at the sight of her awoken self.

"Can you sleep on the bed instead of this nimrod?" Austin asked Clary, pointing towards her best-friend.

Nelson smiled weakly at Clary, struggling to get up from the floor. His curly chocolate-brown hair was a disheveled mess, the locks falling in his eyes. Clary opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by a knock on the door. This time, however, the Albamaians did not panic. They went where Austin had instructed them to go every time there was a knock on the door- under the bed.

Although the voice was thick with anxiety, Clary immediately recognized it as the same manly voice she had heard yesterday.

"Son, Mr. Collin, the president of Albama just called and you will not believe the tragic news he delivered."

"Why? What happened?" Austin asked curiously.

"Two people broke out of Albama yesterday, cutting through the fence."

"What? NO WAY!"

"I know, son. I can't believe it either. The pictures of the two people are up and the intelligence agencies of all districts have been informed. They are now out, looking for them. It has just been one night; the escapees can't have gone far. They're probably hiding somewhere in either District A or B."

"Then why don't you guys show the pictures of these people on television? This way, if any local comes across them, he can take them to the police station."

"Son, we can't let the locals know about this security lapse."

"Just broadcast this announcement in District A and B. The people in the rest of the districts don't have to know."

Austin's father considered this for a moment.

"Good point. I must go and present this proposal before Mr. Collin."

With that, the elderly man left. As soon as Austin closed the door, Clary rolled out from under the bed and leaped on the boy, lifting him up by his collar.

"Whose side are you on?" she demanded through her clenched teeth, raising him higher above the ground.

"Hey, put me down!" Austin yelled, kicking his legs in the air.

Once Clary let go of his collar and let him fall on the floor, he got up and said:

"You dare do that one more time; I'll take you straight to my dad. You hear me?"

Anger boiled up deep in Clary's system, as hot as lava. Profanities threatened to spill out of her mouth, but she just clenched her fist to stop the eruption, because she knew they were just bound to make things worse.

"So what do we do now?" Nelson asked, trying to ward off everyone's mind from what had just happened.

"I have to go to school," Austin replied, pushing past Clary to get to his school bag. She stuck out her tongue at him behind his back, scrunching up her face in disgust at the same time.

"So I guess it is back to under-the-bed for us?"

"You can come to school with me if you want to."

"You just probably want us to do that so we can get caught. You think we're fools that you can lure us into a trap like that? If you are just so sick of us then why don't you just-" Clary was saying when Austin interrupted her.

"Does she always talk this much?" he asked Nelson.

Now he talks to him, Clary thought.

"That is what makes her Clary," Nelson replied, grinning at her.

Clary rolled her eyes at him, folding her arms across her chest.

"Okay, so are you guys willing to come to school with me?" Austin questioned.

Clary did not reply, just looked away from the young boy, whilst Nelson nodded.

"Well, then I better go get some makeup from my mom's room. You guys are going to need a make-over."



Author's note: You guys' comments are amazing! <3

I can't thank you people enough!

Oh, and the picture at the start of this chapter is the map of the world after World War III. I suck at this editing stuff, so you are gonna have to bear with it. :)

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