Chapter 14:

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Skimming through the clothes in Austin's cupboard, Clary came across an overused Denim jacket; its colour faded, the fabric ripped at the sleeves. Even though it was too wide on the shoulders and bit too roomy on the chest, she put it on nevertheless. The jingling of keys from the outside comforted Clary that Jason had not left without her. Throwing an affectionate glance at the asleep Nelson, she hurried out of the room.

As though by a miracle, Jason hadn't noticed that the jacket once belonged to his friend. Grateful to God, Clary continued walking behind Jason as he led the way. She had barely taken a step or two when the sound of approaching footsteps echoed in the hallway. Without even caring to dignify Jason's, "What happened?" with a response, Clary rushed back into Austin's room, shutting the door close behind her.

"Hello, Sir. What a pleasure to see you around." She heard Jason say. It surprised her how she was able to hear him talk over the echoes of her own heart beating violently against her chest. Pressing her left ear against the door, she tried to hear what the man had said in reply, but the voice too low to be heard. Despite not being able to decipher the words, one thing was clear in the man's speech: authority. His tone made the hair on her arms stand to attention, leaving a militia of chills running down her spine. Without even feeling the need to look at the man's face, she knew who it was: Austin's father, the president of the district; her fake uncle.

She pressed her ear harder against the door to see if the man had left, but her question was answered by the violent movement of the doorknob.

"Mikayla?" The questioning sound of Jason echoed in her ears.

Taking a deep breath to regain her composure, she cautiously twisted the doorknob, flinging the door open.

"What happened?" Jason asked for the second time, his voice barely a whisper. She thought she heard some concern in there; in his cold speech, but it could've been her imagination.

"Well, um, you see, my dear u-uncle, is a man of medieval beliefs," she answered, stuttering a little.

"Medieval beliefs?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. He is of the belief that women should not leave their houses at night all by themselves."

"But I'm coming along with you."

"You're still a stranger to me."


In the silence that followed, Clary thought she heard an emotion- an emotion she had never witnessed before in Jason's voice. She couldn't quite pinpoint what it exactly was, but it sounded foreign to her ears coming from his mouth.

"So you're still going to come?" he asked after a moment of quiet.

"Of course."

Together the two hurried out of the house. While running, Clary kept turning back every now and then to see if Austin's dad had appeared again. However, in all that rush, she hadn't been able to admire the architecture of the house. Her surroundings were just a whirlwind of colours and beauty to her eyes, as forced her legs to run as fast as they could.

Once they were outside, Clary caught sight of that bird again. She stuck her tongue out at it, for she was too free. Of course, the freedom she had gained was not as much as the bird's, but it was still better than being caged within the four walls of Austin's room.

"Did you just stick your tongue out at the sky?" Jason asked, his look questioning.

The cold nighttime breeze blew past Clary's hair, making them sway in the air. She took a look at her surroundings, her eyes moving past Jason's lean figure, to the broad street, shining with the illumination from the starry sky above. She opened her mouth to answer Jason's question, but instead burst into a fit of giggles, earning herself a concerned look from him.

It all felt surreal to her. To be out and about, with the wind beating against her skin. It felt just like the old times when she was back in Albama. Except this time her stomach was full. She realised with an ache in her heart, that Nelson wasn't with her. How badly she wished to share this moment with him. She considered for a moment to go back and wake him up, but Jason's voice shoved that thought away.

"Is everything all right, Mikayla?"

That question made her take a grip on herself. She stopped giggling and faced Jason.

"Yes, it just feels so great to be free."


"You know, to escape the four walls of your room."

"Don't you do that every day for school?"

"That's different. The school is just two steps from here."

"We haven't moved an inch since we've left the house, Mikayla."

"Yes, but Austin walks so fast it is increasingly difficult to catch up. He never stands to admire the beauty."

"Maybe because there is nothing to admire," Jason replied, looking out at the empty street.

"There is."

"And what is that, might I inquire?"


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