Chapter 12:

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A/N: Hi, guys. I know this update is a bit late. I don't think I've ever taken this long to update, but I had my reasons. I was ill for the past few days and had this fracture too. Plus, exams. The odds aren't in my favour haha.

So this chapter is going to be a bit short because I've got an exam tomorrow. But fear not, I will be updating soon! Because like all the exams which I haven't prepared for (I know I'm so screwed) finish this week. So maybe I'll have time to update, no promises though.

So without further ado, I present you, Chapter 12:

Over the sound of the music blaring from the speakers in the restaurant, Austin had to struggle to get himself heard from Stephanie.

"I wonder where Jason is," he said, trying his very best to make his voice audible.

"Are you sure you texted him to come here so that he doesn't go over to your house to pick you up?" Stephanie asked, flipping pages of the menu.

"I think I did," he answered, too lazy to check through his messages to ensure if he had.

The image popped up in Austin's mind again. Of Clary sleeping with her head resting on Nelson's shoulder. He shook his head as if it would cause the pixels of that image to blur, but to no avail. It was vivid as a photograph in his mind, it's each pixel captured in his memory.

Running his hand through his hair, he tried concentrating on the music to block out the picture.

Much to his dismay, it wasn't helping.


Life was becoming a boring monotony for her.

She couldn't just sit in Austin's room, looking at the walls all day, no matter how beautifully they were painted. Walking over those marble tiles, which she had counted for an infinite number of times, Clary made her way towards the window. She pulled the curtain a little, just enough to catch sight of a bird soaring through the sky.

For a moment, she found herself envying the bird. It's wings, its freedom; the almond of its eyes, the emerald of its feathers. What a beauty it looked against the night sky. She looked down at her herself, running her hands through the black of Austin's shirt she was wearing.The monotony of its colours much similar to the tediousness of her life.

Sighing, she laid down on the couch, pitying herself.

It was hard to believe what life had become for her. Nelson, who was now asleep on the bed, had always told her that she reminded him of fire; a mass of glowing embers, always raging against the dying of the light. She feared that the black of Austin's clothes was causing her to fade.

Clary let out a deep breath, waiting for sleep to come for her, but she knew it was miles away. Strangely enough, she found herself thinking of Austin. About the colour of his shadowy eyes and the secrets they held. The way they would smolder when he would argue with her. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips at the thought of that. She had to admit, she enjoyed fighting with him.

A knock on the door broke her chain of thoughts. She got off the couch, rather too excitedly, to get the door. 

Maybe she could have another argument with him.

Straightening her shirt, she opened the door.

Her heart sank.

It was Jason. 

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