Chapter 11:

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"How'd it go?" Jason asked Clary when she and Nelson were done giving their admission test.

Even though Clary did not completely trust Austin, heck no- she did not trust him at all, she never felt uneasy around him. But that was not the case with Jason. Just being around him would fill her up with anxiety. She could not shake the feeling of discomfort she felt around him. Often when he was near her, she would find herself chewing on her nails or ripping the skin lining of her nails. She could not pinpoint what it exactly was about him that made her feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was how he looked at her like he knew all her secrets, or maybe it was the way he talked like there was something he knew which she did not. Of course, there were a lot of things that were not in Clary's knowledge. Heck- She had grown up believing that children are not supposed to resemble their parents, but how come she had never felt this feeling of unsettledness around Austin?

Clearing her throat, she replied:

"I guess I'll pass."

They were sitting at the lunch table. Just the two of them. Nelson had gone off to get Clary lunch and still had not returned. Austin and Stephanie were in the library, doing some school homework. Clary had already planned the profanities she was going to yell at Austin once they would reach home.

How dare he leave me alone like this? She thought to herself.

"You know, you don't look anything like a person from District B."

"Really? What makes you say that?" Clary asked, raising her eyebrows.

Where in the world is Nelson? She thought.

"Your eyes."

It took Clary some time to realize that he meant 'your eyes' literally. She first thought he meant that he could see it in her eyes how she was faking everything. Biting her bottom lip, she asked:

"What about them?"

"They're green. That is a very rare color in District B."

Nelson's arrival saved Clary from replying. When she sighed out loud in relief, Jason narrowed his eyes at her.

"What took you so long?" she asked, her eyes gleaming furiously.

Looking from Clary's smoldering eyes to Jason's malicious face, Nelson's eyes widened. He mentally slapped himself for leaving Clary alone with the suspicious young boy.

"I'm so sorry Mikayla, I got carried away..."


"Well, there was this dude, who was giving out free-"

"You know what? I don't want to hear it."

Nelson bowed his head down, ashamed of himself.

"You don't have to give him a hard time, Mikayla. I'm actually glad it took him so long. I seriously enjoyed your company; did you not enjoy mine?" Jason asked, winking.

Clary rolled her eyes, averting her face from his. Looking at Clary's reaction, Nelson's shoulders sagged as regret washed over him. How could he have been so stupid to get himself distracted by free samples of chocolates? He cursed himself mentally, using every other swear word in his dictionary.


Clary did not talk to Nelson for the rest of the day. In fact, she did not talk at all. She even skipped dinner.

Austin felt that there was something strange too. For a fiery spark that burns so brightly, it is not so hard to notice when its light dims. However, he did not say anything because he felt as if he hadn't earned himself the right to, so he just let things be the way they were.

Around one o'clock that night, Clary was shaken awake by Nelson.

"What?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Your stomach is growling."

"And you were listening to my stomach because...?"

"Well I was passing by your couch and I thought I heard something funny- but that is not the point Clary."

"Then what's the point?"

"That you shouldn't have skipped dinner just because of me."

"Doesn't matter. It's not like we'll find anything to eat as of now."

"I have chocolate."

"Where'd you get that?"

"School. That's what distracted me."

Clary's lips twitched into a smile. She only tortured herself by not talking to Nelson. It is him who completes her, and she could not even imagine life without him.

Beaming, Clary scooted away to make space for Nelson on the couch. Handing Clary a bar of chocolate, Nelson asked:

"Did Jason give you a hard time?"

"He was...okay. I was just making a fuss."

"No. You were right to be mad at me. I wouldn't want to be left alone with a guy like him either."

The two of them then sat together, reminiscing about their lives back in Albama till their eyelids drooped and their visions blurred because of sleep.

Clary snuggled up against Nelson's shoulder, and he laid his head on the top of hers, allowing his mind to be dragged into the shadowy world of dreams.


Author's note: If you've read this story till now, I love you!

I honestly cannot believe that this story is #95 in Sci-Fic. You people are truly amazing!

If you have any suggestions or if you wish to see any improvements, please do let me know. : )

Oh and I'll finally be revealing Nelson's picture in the next update. Stay tuned!

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