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Little Darling

I know you're probably cursing at me wherever you are when I use this nickname.

You always hated it. And I understand why you did. But you see when you were younger mom used to call you that and sing you little darling every night before tucking you into bed.

I was jealous as she hummed the song and caressed your silky hair. I would stand by the door and as a seven year old I felt anger towards you as mom sang; little darling, little hero
you saved the day, so dream the night
little darling, little hero
the love you give brightens the skies
little darling, little hero
have no worries just rest your eyes
and be who you are
so everything will be fine

After that I started to call you mama's little darling in public and you'd feel embarrassed. Soon you asked mom to stop singing you and calling you that nickname and she did.

But I never stopped. I teased you with it when we grew apart and I teased you again when we became closer than we could ever be.

What you don't see little darling that as time went by you truly turned to my own little darling. Because as the song goes, you're a hero and you're way too god for this world.

Maybe that's why you're not here anymore. A love like yours could fill up oceans and yet the ocean could still be thirsty for more.

And that's  who you are. A little darling.

My little darling, my little hero. And you will always be.

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