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Little Darling

I am so weak, and so stupid. How can I be like this? Why am I not strong enough to fight these voices in my head? Why did I ever had to be so weak? Why?!

I hear your words and I see your face. I can feel all the disappointment that could be there and I feel like a thousand times of a failure.

I wish I was strong like you'd imagined me to be.

But if I was strong enough, I wouldn't be on this floor, sobbing while writing this. I wouldn't have had tears falling from my already red eyes. And I wouldn't be clenching my head wanting the silence to go away.

And it's not the silence in my head, for a battle is going on in there but it's the silence of the house-not a home anymore- that I wish to be gone.

I don't just need you, I want you here with me.

Little DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now