To The Future!

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"Sirius!" Fifteen year old James Potter yelled down the corridor.
He was searching for his best mate.
He had no idea what was going on.
He had been in library for once searching for something.
When he came across the best object ever.
Not really a object, but James Potter would never admit a book was the best object.
Remus would mock him for months.
"What Prongs, have you finally cracked?" The fifteen year old Sirius Black asked.
The boy named Prongs laughed.
"Afraid not, I found the coolest Spell!" James said excitedly.
"Why, what's it do?" Sirius asked enthralled.
"It's a Spell to take us twenty years into the future!" James exclaimed happily.
"No kidding, wow, let's tell Moony!" Sirius said.
They walked together.
Once they found the person dubbed Moony they explained what James found.
"Remus, I found a Spell in the library that can take us twenty years into the future!" James excitedly told Remus Lupin, yet another fifteen year old.
"Really?" Remus asked intrigued.
"How about we go scare our kids?" Sirius asked.
"I'm not gonna win this one, am I?" Remus raised his eyebrow to James.
"Nope!" James popped the p.
"Fine, give me the book." Remus said eyeing the clock that said twelve at night.
"Here." James handed it to the kid named Moony.
"Agrabue liveadiy prespbre clovinedel glesahash!" Remus said waving his wand.
A bright light flashed.
"Bloody hell Moony, some warning please?" Sirius asked.
Remus looked sheepish.
There was a paper on the table.

"The Boy-Who-Lies!"

Harry Potter, unsuspecting fifteen year old attention seeker.
The so-called Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter claims You-Know-Who has undoubtedly returned.
This is all lies!
Harry James Potter is a attention seeking liar!
If you meet him lose eye contact immediately!
He is a psychopath!
Very dangerous!
As well as the esteemed Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
He believes Potters story.
Be wary of those two.
You could die next!
This one young innocent lad named Cedric Diggory died from being in corporation with Potter!
Your next!
Ramsey Calhoot.

Remus gasped gaining the attention of the other two Marauders.
"What is it Moonster?" James asked.
Remus handed the paper to James with shaky hands
James read it and, handed it to Sirius as he stared at the fire in horror.
"Who is this?" Sirius asked as he read.
"Harry." Remus looked to James.
"Yeah, it says his names Harry." James gaze hadn't moved.
"Harry Potter!" Sirius yelled suddenly.
"Your Son?" Remus turned to James.
There were footsteps from the boys dorms.
"What is going on?" James gasped at the boy.
He was a carbon copy of James.
"Harry." Remus stated.
It had to be.
"Yeah?" The boy asked rubbing his eyes behind his glasses and, replacing them on his face.
Finally Harry looked up.
He gasped taking a step backwards.
"Hello!" Sirius said cheerfully.
"Snuffles?" Harry asked.
"What did he call me?" Sirius's eyes were wide with horror.
James doubled over laughing hysterically.
Remus smiled at Harry.
"Hello, I'm.-" Harry interrupted.
"Professor Lupin?" Harry asked aghast.
"Pr-Professor?" Remus stumbled stunned.
"What are you doing here?" Harry questioned in a quiet hiss.
James was on the floor still laughing, it had doubled when he heard Professor Lupin.
"We-I-we're not the people you know." Remus said.
Harry gave him a odd look then looked to James taking another involuntary step back gasping.
"D-D-Dad?" Harry shook his head.
Blinking rapidly.
James stopped laughing immediately.
Sirius then started laughing.
James gave Harry a absolute horrified look.
"I-I guess, maybe not from when we're from, but obviously here?" James stuttered trying to grip the situation.
"When are you from?" Harry questioned.
"1975." Remus said.
Harry gasped.
"This-is-a-dream, a fantasy, not real." Harry said shaking his head.
"Oh it's real." Sirius said finally stopped laughing.
"Real?" Harry's eyes were wide.
"Oh yes." Sirius smirked.
Harry reeled back farther.
"Did Paddy scare you Son, I'll just have to put him in his cage, damn poodle." James asked smirking.
Harry laughed shakily pushing his glasses up his nose.
"No, just surprised, it's been a few months since I saw that smirk." Harry mumbled.
Remus saw Harry smile.
"Ah, my signature Marauders smirk." Sirius said.
Harry snorted.
James chuckled.
"You do know what the Marauders are?" James asked out of nowhere.
"Oh, yes, you guys are, your Prongs, he's Moony, that's Snuffly." Harry said using his fingers to tick off names.
Sirius made a irritated noise.
"Snuffly?" Sirius asked horrified.
"You came up with it." Harry said shrugging.
"I-I, wait-what?" Sirius asked as the other three laughed.
"Yes Padfoot, my Son has spoken, you are now dubbed Snuffles." James snickered.
"You should talk Tail-Feathers." Sirius growled.
James reeled back horrified.
"Ha!" Remus said triumphantly.
"You shouldn't laugh, Big-Bad." James stomped the ground as Remus stared unblinking at James.
"So, your most likely our age, what's your form?" Sirius asked Harry.
"Haven't got one." Harry said.
"Then what do we, your beloved Uncles call you?" Sirius asked gesturing to Remus and, himself.
"Prongslet." Harry said shrugging.
"Fitting, you look just like your Dad." Remus said.
"I guess, I have distinct feature from my Mum as well though." Harry said taking his glasses off and, pinching his nose, James blinked.
"Your eyes." He breathed.
Harry nodded putting his glasses on again.
"My Mums eyes." Harry said.
Sirius looked at Harry tilting his head to the side.
Remus stared shocked at Harry.
"Lily Evans?" He asked gaping.
Harry nodded.
"I marry Lily?" James asked disbelief written on his face.
Harry again nodded.
"Good going Prongs!" Sirius clapped a stunned James on the back.
"Lily Evans, like the one who hates me?" James asked.
Harry thought for a moment.
"She doesn't hate you, at least I don't think she did, but how many redheaded green eyed Lily's are there." Harry said.
No one caught his slip, but Remus.
Harry said did not does.
'Does Lily die?' Remus asked himself.
"I marry Lily Evans!" James hugged Sirius dancing around the room with him.
'Better not tell James this.' Remus thought securely.
Harry was staring at him.
"Something wrong Professor?" Harry questioned his ex-Professor.
"No, just thinking." Remus still stared shocked.
He's a Professor?
"Does Big-Bad really teach?" Sirius asked.
"Used to, until our Potions Professor ratted him out." Harry snarled.
"For what?" James asked.
"Damn Snape, he cost us our best Defense Professor." Harry growled.
James blinked.
"Snivellus?" Sirius asked aghast.
"A Professor?" James looked faint.
Harry chuckled darkly.
"Damn Snape is the bloody worst Professor here, right next to damn Umbitch." Harry said frowning.
"Umbitch?" Sirius asked smirking at his best friends Son.
"Professor Umbridge, or as the Twins call her, Umbitch, is the cruelest Professor here, right tied with Snape." Harry said.
"Umbridge, as in Dolores?" Remus asked.
"The Slytherin?" James asked.
"That tidbit does not surprise me, she's damn well a Pureblood, acts like it." Harry muttered.
"Ha, makes sense, she is." James said.
"She's a year below us." Sirius added.
"She's so damn horrid it's not funny, she give me detention for nothing." Harry sneered.
"What's she make you do?" James growled.
"Lines." Harry fidgeted.
"Okay, you go to bed, you need your sleep, we'll talk in the morning." Remus said glaring at Sirius who opened his mouth to protest.
"Night." Harry murmured.
"By the way, I'm placing the Notice-Me-Not Charm on us so no one will pay us any attention.
"S'kay." Harry mumbled.
"Goodnight Son." James said.
Harry blinked rapidly.
"Night!" The other two said.
Harry climbed the stairs.
"I marry Lily Evans." James sighed happily.
"Prongs, get over it." Remus said smiling.
"Shove it Remus." James said still smiling like a loon.
That night all went to bed happy, or at least a bit.
Remus was thinking about Harry's behavior.
'Somethings off, I don't know what, but I will...' Remus thought before drifting off into unconsciousness.
James was thinking about Lily and, Harry.
'I marry LILY EVANS, I have a Son with LILY EVANS!' Was James last thoughts.
'Snuffles, the bloody kid named me Snuffles, what has Prongs life become?' Sirius thought before sleeping.
'My Father, MY FATHER, is down the stairs, albeit fifteen years old, but still, my Father, my alive, breathing, happy, Father, and, to top that a non-Azkaban Sirius, a healthy, happy, non-haunted, clean Sirius, wow, this is amazing!' Harry was smiling happily as he too slept, for once not haunted by nightmares.

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