Answers to the Legends

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"Harry no, you can't!" Hermione's voice drifted downward.
"What can I do Hermione, this whole life I live is screwed up, I have to warn them!" Harry yelled back to his friend hotly, Remus had a feeling he'd finally get his answers...
"Harry, mate you could change so much more like that!" Ron shouted.
"But he's my FATHER, you have no idea what it's like!" Harry screamed in a octave higher as he accused his friends of something the Marauders knew not.
"No, your right, me, I don't, I was raised in a happy loving home with six Siblings and, so was Hermione, - you know, minus the Sibling part, - but that's just it!-" Hermione picked up where Ron left off.
"Ron's right, the reason our family's were safe and, happy was because of you, Harry, if you go and-and, tell them, you could destroy the world we know, Harry please, sure your Parents may be here but what about Voldemort, Ron's Parents might die instead, or-or his Brothers or Ginny, plus, my Parents are Muggle, Voldemort targeted Muggles, Harry I hate to agree with Fudge but.-" Ron finished Hermione's sentence as she had stopped.
"We did have thirteen years of peace, mate." Ron sounded apologetic, why?
"But-but, my family, what about me, I want a family, I want my Mums hugs, I want my Dad at my Quidditch games, I want that love, the love I missed out on because of that bastard!" Harry yelled in almost pain.
James suddenly understood.
Both he and, Lily had died, he choked back a sob, his Son, it must be so hard for Harry.
Apparently Remus understood to for he steadied himself on the wall, Sirius just looked affronted.
"Harry, please, I know it's hard, I know you've been crying yourself to sleep but please, see reason." Hermione's voice was soft, pleading.
"He's my Dad Hermione, I can't not say something, please, I see your reason, but please see mine, I lived with my horrid Muggle relatives, I slept in a bloody cupboard until I was eleven, I can't-can't not say something when he's right there!" Harry's force was gone he sobbed the Marauders who stood outside the door were crying as well.
"Harry!" Both of Harry's friends yelled now desperate for they're friend to see.
They could hear Ron move in front of the door, trying to block off the only exit Harry had.
Remus took a breath then knocked.m
Ron opened the door.
"Uh-oh." Ron stated
"What!" Harry's venomous tone was back making James cringe.
"Oh dear..." Hermione breathed as the other two realized why Ron had turned white.
"You heard?" Ron inquired looking strangely horrified.
"Yes, we heard, I'm-I'm-dead?" James choked on the word as he glanced at his Son who had his eyes close silent sobs wracking his body.
"Don't lie!" Sirius hissed out hoping it wasn't true.
"Yes, he is." Harry looked down as Hermione confessed that fact still shaking.
"No!" Remus gasped eyes filling with tears.
"Why do you think I've acted so strangely, crying myself to sleep, smiling more than I ever have, analyzing you, watching you, I've never-n-n-never-seen you!" Harry sat abruptly falling to his side crying more than even Ron had ever seen him.
"Merlin..." James eyes watered in horror as he slowly went by Harry's bed, looking down at the person he was supposed to raise.
"But-Prongs-he can't die!" Sirius fell to his knees.
"I had wondered why the two of us looked so surprised by James, but I never thought!" Remus grabbed Ron for support.
"I don't want you to die." Harry murmured from under the covers.
"When?" James question was blunt, had he even gotten any years with his Son?
"I was one, I-I don't remember you at all, I've learned more about you in the last five days then my whole life, I-I wanted to tell you, I'm just torn." Harry peeked out puffy red eyes glazed over with fresh tears.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, it's my fault we're hear, it's my fault your in this pain, I wish we never did." James continued to mumble gibberish about it being his fault while Sirius cried silently on Remus's shoulder.
"No, don't regret coming, please, I loved meeting you, I know so much, so so much more, more than I could've ever hoped to know, if you hadn't come you'd still be just a memory." Harry cried forgetting that this boy was fifteen forgetting this wasn't the man who had given his life for Harry to live forgetting James had only just met him, only knowing that this was his Dad, he flung his arms around the very stunned James Potter sobbing on the boy who would one day give him life, James hugged back as he too sobbed for the Son he would never know.
Ron and, Hermione couldn't help but smile at the two Potters, Harry had always wondered if his Parents had loved him no matter how many times people had said they would, Harry's proof was here, James wasn't crying because he would die but because his Son had never known him.
"How, tell me, how?" Sirius asked after the two broke apart.
"Voldemort was after us, so we went under the Fiddilus Charm, only the Secret Keeper knows your location, our Keeper ratted us out, he came to our house, you died first, you died fighting for mine and, Mums lives not your own, you knew you wouldn't survive, he then went upstairs to where we hid, he gave Mum the chance to live, said for her to step aside if she let him kill me.-" James looked murderous, how dare that cruel monster want to kill his Son.
"That evil bastard." He snarled, Sirius seemed to repeat that action except he said nothing.
"Well she didn't then in sacrificing herself a protection formed around me, when he muttered the kill it rebounded, I got this." Harry pushed his bangs from his tear filled eyes as he revealed the scar given to him fourteen years before.
"You defeated Voldything?" Sirius asked in shock, Ron chuckled wryly at the name.
"No, just held off his rein longer, he didn't die, but he wasn't alive either, he got his body back in June, this has been irritated since he resurrected himself." Harry unconsciously rubbed the lightning bolt scar.
"Damn that snake!" James in a fit of anger against Voldemort kicked Harry's bed resulting in a pain up his leg.
"We can change it!" Sirius shouted his idea.
"No!" Came three identical shouts from Ron with Hermione and, surprisingly Remus.
"But.-" Sirius started again.
"No, we cannot mess with time." Remus stated as he too had tears flowing.
"I agree." Hermione added even though she sounded pained by her best friends expression.
"But.-" It was Harry who started now.
"No, you mustn't mess with time!" Hermione screeched.
"We can't stay here." Said James looking sour.
"What?" Harry asked abruptly looking up in sadness.
"We can't change anything, just let time play out, but the more we stay, the more I find about the person I should've raised the more I'm gonna wanna change it too, I don't want to die, not because I'm scared, but because I'll leave you, you won't have me here or your Mum, it crushes me to think you don't know how wonderful she was-is, plus, we're in more danger of finding out more about it." James looked to a very surprised Harry.
"You aren't gone, Sirius once said the ones who love us never leave us." Remus choked on air at the fact Sirius had said that, James looked mildly shocked as Sirius was very immature, Sirius himself looked horrified by his maturity.
"Sirius-Sirius said-that?!" Remus gasped out.
"Yes, he's so different now, I've noticed it more since meeting you guys." Harry shrugged in a sad nonchalant way making James heart break.
"We'll leave tonight, I-do you think Padfoot is still at home?" James was gonna talk to Sirius like old times, cheer up his good buddy, honestly no wonder the man had looked so horrible he'd lost his Brother!
"Yes, I do." Harry stated still mulling over the fact after tonight he'd never see his Dad again.
"Come on then, it's only seven, let's go to that whatever it was." The six nearly ran to the room, Harry mad it so there was a extra room, so his Dad could talk privately.
"Number twelve Grimmauld Place!" Harry shouted.
"Prongslet what's up?" The hallow voice of Black came through as James realized why it was so hallow.
"Come over here." Harry pulled his head out of the fire, seconds later a very much so more haunted looking Black stepped out not smiling or anything just looking distressed.
"What is it?" Black's voice was scratchy.
"We need to talk." James stated stubbornly ignoring the voice that said it would hurt his friend more then help.
"Okay." Black bit his lip as he gave Harry who had sat down a fleeting hug.
The two close the meeting rooms doors as James opened his mouth.
"Listen Paddy, I don't know details, I only know I'm gone, correct?" James pushed his much taller friend into a chair as Black gave him a confused look.
"Yeah your in.-" James gave Black a look that shut him up.
"I'm dead, as much as it pains me to say, I am." Black looked shocked.
"Did Harry?-" Black started.
"Not intentionally but yes Harry informed us, listen Sirius, it must be hard, I mean I can barely think of what it'd be like without you, your my Brother, I-I'm sorry I died." James was momentarily crushed by Blacks hug as he cried on the friend he'd lost shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault!" Black wailed into James crumpled robes.
"Harry's brilliant!" James changed the subject to get Black's mind off of it.
"I know, he's a wonderful young man." Black pulled back a smile on his face that made him look twenty years younger.
"He's absolutely perfect, I don't know how Lily and, I did it, he's wonderful." James too sat down a dreamy expression on his face.
"You know I can almost see the twenty year old Prongs saying that word for word on July 31st 1980." Black's smile widened.
"Was I-er-a good Dad?" James asked uncertainly.
"The best Jamie boy the best." Black rolled his eyes playfully.
"Did I drop him?" James wondered.
"No, you didn't, I'll say Moony was surprised by that." James smiled.
"He has so little faith in me." James playfully sighed causing Black to laugh his normal bark like laugh.
"I can't believe I get to talk to you, man you Potters are something." James smirked.
"One stopped the Killing Curse another travels twenty years through time, yeah we're miracle workers." Black once again laughed.
"Your leaving later aren't you?" He ask roughly.
"Yeah we are, we're gonna face the future head on." Black nodded.
"Well it's always a rodent that ruins it." Black quoted in what James found to be a hinting voice.
"I bet you ten Galleons you'll wake up tomorrow morning in a different home with me in the kitchen." James held out his hand smiling in a defeated way.
"Your on Prongs, though this is the one bet I want to loose." Black tilted his head to the side, so it went.
The two talked for awhile longer, when they left the private room Black was clutching his sides from laughing, James was smiling his head off.
Black left with a smile through the fireplace.
"What'd you talk about?" Sirius asked.
"Snuffles you know me, I never reveal my secrets." Sirius growled playfully at James for the nickname.
That night the six stood with a book in the common room at midnight.
"This Spell takes us back to five minutes after we left." Remus explained.
"This is it, goodbye guys." Sirius gave the Trio a fleeting hug each except Harry which he grabbed roughly holding tight, Remus shook his head fondly as he too gave all hugs also lasting longer on Harry's.
James stood in front of his future Son with a teary smile.
"No matter what happens Emeralds I'm proud to be your Dad, no matter if the person rats us out know I'm always there when you need me most, don't ever doubt my love for you or your Mum." James didn't hear Ron snort or say.
"He ratted you out alright." Quietly but Remus did.
"Dad." Harry choked out calling James his Father for the first time.
The two embraced as the other four watched with watery chuckles at the Potter duo.
"I love you Harry." James stepped back gave Hermione a hug telling thank you for keeping his Son safe, gave Ron a manly hug saying that he was Harry's Sirius.
"Bye!" The three future people chorused.
A flash of light later the Marauders stood in a empty common room.
"Let's start living boys, we never know how long we have." James stated walking up the stairs.
Meanwhile Remus kept muttering Ron's word again and, again.

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