The Love!

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As James Potter carried on in life Harry Potter had just gone to bed for the night with silent sobs wracking his body as he cried already missing his Dad's presence.
The next day was a Quidditch game but Harry cared not for the first time, his Father wouldn't be there just like every other game, but now it personally stung as he knew his Dad would've wanted to be there.
He awoke sadly the next morning from his dreams of his life without Voldemort.
Ron looked glum at his friends sadness.
As they made they're way to the pitch with Hermione she broke off going to the stands.
"Poor Harry." She muttered.
They were a half hour early so Harry could relax.
Five minutes later as the boys were changing she looked around.
Someone tapped her shoulder, she spun around to face James Potter the older one.
"Hey Hermione, we're early." He smiled as he noticed her shock.
"B-but!-" He stuck a hand on her mouth.
"Listen we changed the past, yes I know your the different universe Hermione we visited twenty years ago, everything hopefully remained the same." As he spoke her brain whizzed with new images of her, Ron and, Harry on they're adventures, different ones, they had changed the past yet kept it the same.
"Hello Hermione." This must be Lily Potter as her eyes looked exactly like Harry's.
"Hi." Hermione muttered still shocked.
Lily sat next to a woman who had followed her with short chestnut hair a round face Hermione couldn't help but think she knew and, blue eyes.
A man who looked near the same as Neville came as well.
Neville followed looking bewildered, Neville sat next to Hermione who sat next to James with Sirius and, Remus!
"What the bloody hell?" Neville hissed whispered.
It took James awhile to explain to the kids how they'd changed the past.
"I lost the bet, but I'm happy I did!" Sirius laughed as James mock glared at him.
"Remus figured out your anagram thing, the rat who sold us out, well he is in Azkaban, this universes Black accidentally let out me and, Lily died on Halloween after Harry's first birthday, so on Halloween I had my wand ready as well as Lily even if she wondered why I had her carry it around, we never actually told her, so when the door was blown off its hinges I had a duel with Voldemort, he thought he blasted rock on me but I put a silent Silencing Spell on me  as well as a Featherweight Charm on the rocks so I would survive, he thought I died, when he went up the stairs he was just going to kill Lily, I pushed her away just as it blew out, so she too looked dead, her sacrifice still worked as even I didn't have enough time before he said the Curse to Harry who again escaped with nothing but a scar." James watched as Hermione gasped quietly with Neville, who took one look at the couple by Lily then back at James.
"You were there the night my Parents were supposed to loose they're minds, you saved them!" He gave James a look of awe.
"Me, Sirius and, Remus plan on coming back tonight to find out what changed or what didn't then we can also run you through what's happened in the universe you've been transported to." James explained.
"Harry is gonna be so happy!" Hermione squealed in delight, James looked at her weirdly but Sirius understood.
"He's been depressed hasn't he?" Padfoot asked in a undertone.
"Very, I don't think Quidditch could've even cheered him up, look the game is starting!" James turned to the stadium to see a very different looking Harry, not in looks really just aura.
He seemed sad but Ron was cheering him up.
"Why're Mum and, Dad here though?" Neville asked.
"Alice is Harry's GodMother." Remus explained as he noticed with happiness James was entranced by the flying.
Neville's mouth formed a O.
"GO RON GO!" James stood yelling with Frank.
Hermione smiled, this is what life was supposed to be.
Meanwhile on the field Harry saw the yelling for Ron, he looked to see where it came from only to meet his Dad's eyes, James was beaming at Harry happily, Harry idly wondered if Ron had heard it or if it had been his imagination.
Harry's eyes trailed down the row, Hermione sat next to Neville who sat next to- no that's impossible.
Alice Longbottom?
Alice was shaking her head towards Frank Longbottom next to her...
Harry's breath got caught in his throat as he saw his own eyes happily gleaming at him in the stands.
His Mum was waving he meekly waved back as she smiled wider.
Hermione noticed Harry waving at his Mum shyly, she smiled more so, Harry deserved this!
"RON GO LONG!" That was Sirius.
He was a free man now!
Harry noticed Sirius in the stands with a pang of panic then he saw Hermione pointing at herself, Ron and, him.
She mouthed we did it!
What did they do?
He put it out of his mind as he raced after the Snitch minutes later, the game ended fairly Harry was to stunned to retort back to Malfoy's jokes as he pulled Ron to the changing rooms.
"Did you see my Parents?" He asked his friend who nodded.
"Have you been having weird glimpses of things that haven't but have happened?" Harry remembered somethings at Ron's words.
"Yes let's go see."the two changed despite not doing so normally the trekked to the deserted stands which held the eight people who were smiling.
"You did brilliant sweetheart!" Lily Potter grabbed at Harry hugging him tight, he couldn't find it in himself to let go he was close to tears this person was his Mother.
"Thanks." There was a laugh to his side as he turned to see his Father smiling gently as though he knew something.
James grabbed him tightly holding him close.
"You were amazing." He whispered knowing Harry needed the comfort.
"Harry!" Hermione held on for dear life squealing happily.
"Hermione." Harry laughed.
"They changed the past." She hissed in his ear still squealing.
They changed the past.
So that's why he remembered thing the had but never happened.
"You did great too Ron." Lily hugged Ron who looked quite shocked.
"Er-thanks." Ron muttered going red as Hermione to awkwardly hugged him to whisper hiss in his ear.
"So I'm guessing a party is gonna be on, we'll leave you to it Kiddo." James said smiling a horrific smile that reminded Harry of himself when he had a idea.
But somehow Harry knew everything would be okay.
Sirius was smiling more than Harry had ever seen him, Remus looked younger then before as though he had de-aged over night.
Harry started to smile.
They trudged back to the castle together.
James put a hand on Harry's shoulder telling him to slow down.
"What are you doing?" Lily's eyes had narrowed at her Husbands expression.
"Nothing, Prong just has to tell Harry something." Sirius winked at the still stunned Harry.
They stopped full force as the others continued on, it reminded Harry of the day before with his younger Father.
"I know you aren't the Harry I know, but your still my Harry, and, according to myself, you'll stay my Harry, I know you must have been feeling horrible this morning." James bit his lip, he knew that this Harry mustn't be much different from the Harry he knew but he was tentative.
"Nah, I was fine." Harry tried to say nonchalantly as a rush of different emotions flew in, ranging from sadness that still hadn't abated from the morning to happiness at his Dad's caring words.
"Ah there's the stubborn boy I raised, always quick to be strong, no I know you weren't okay, hell I know your not okay now but, hopefully I can help you be okay." James grabbed Harry around the shoulders leading him back to the pitch making Harry confused.
"I-I." Speechless he walked beside his Father so like himself towards the Quidditch field.
"You know it may have been twenty years but I still remember flying with you back when I was fifteen, I remember my heart soaring as you flew, of course my big head made me think I taught you those tricks, but still, I was so proud, I remember watching you as a baby remembering the boy you would become, I knew deep down that I had to be there for you, that I would be there for you, Lily doesn't know it but I cried as I held you at night singing you a lullaby, because in my mind it hurt just thinking that you might never meet me or your beautiful Mother, that's when I went to both Remus and, Sirius demanding we find out who did it, who sold us out, it took a week for Remus to remember Ron saying the rat with emphasis on rat, we confronted Peter on Halloween a hour too late, he had already given our location, again Lily never knew or will know I knew Voldemort was coming, but I did, with a little quick thinking all three Potters managed to survive the attack though you still were marked." James tenderly turned and, touched Harry's scar looking pained.
"Don't matter, I've already lived my life with it I almost think I might feel weird without it." Both Potters laughed, Harry feeling more comfortable and, safe then ever when next to his Father, even James had to admit, Harry seemed not so different from the one raised by him, though he resolved to spoil the boy rotten.
Life was good.
James would bring back the Marauders to talk to the Alternate Universe teens that night and, learn more about them.
The world felt right to Harry.
All Was Well.
Do not fret this isn't the fanfic!
New chapter soon!

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