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Harry awoke to the Marauders in his face, his face with tear track down his cheeks, he noticed they all had worried expressions.
"Something wrong Prongslet?" Sirius asked.
Harry's eyes widened as he quickly wiped his cheeks.
"Er." Harry stumbled out of bed dressing for class, as he tried desperately to avoid eye contact with them.
"You look like you cried yourself to sleep." James bit his lip after worriedly, he didn't like his Son crying.
"N-no-I-I didn't, I must have had a nightmare..." Awkwardly moving to the door quickly Harry ran out.
"There's something wrong, I don't know why, but he looks like he's never even met us before, though as you clearly saw he has, somethings off." Remus stated knowledgeably.
James nodded his assent, one question remained, did they want to know?
They followed the teen to the common room where they saw Hermione smack him.
"Harry, honestly, it's okay to feel sad!" She said exasperated as she spotted them, waving them over she glared at Harry.
"Breakfast!" Ron yelled with Sirius, they both gave a war cry, running to the Hall in record time.
"Ronald/Padfoot!" Were yelled after them.
Harry smiled genuinely, he didn't care that his Dad died, all he cared was his Father was here now, make the most of it.
"So Prongslet, you seemed flustered earlier." James swung his arm over his Sons shoulder as they walked leisurely behind the group.
"Er-yeah, I just-yeah..." Harry's words mashed together in a jumble, that made James worry.
"It's okay, we all are sometimes, I sometimes wake up so flustered I forget I'm not at Potter Manor, I actually kissed Snuffles nose once." James scrunched his nose up in disgust as Harry laughed.
"Heh, I don't think anyone's  told me that story." Harry's smile grew.
"Really cause Remus laughed about it for like weeks?" James wondered idly why Harry didn't know so many things about the Marauders.
"I guess you guys forgot." Harry shrugged beneath James arm.
"Oh, then there was that time when Sirius thought Peter.-" James broke off laughing but he still noticed how his Son had frozen at Wormtails name.
"Er..." Both had stopped walking and, sat the group went on thanks to Hermione's pushing.
"Something wrong, I mean that was one of the best things your Uncle Wormy ever did!" James started laughing again, when he calmed down he noticed the scowl on Harry's face.
"Not-my-Uncle." Harry hissed forgetting who he was talking to.
"What, why on earth isn't Peter your Uncle, he's a friend..." Harry started exhaling very slowly as if trying to calm down.
"He is, well let's go have breakfast." Harry had stood to move.
James threw him a skeptical look but went along with it anyway.
They all laughed throughout the many pranks on the Slytherin house along with Professor Trelawny, Snape and, Sprout.
When dinner came the Gryffindor's were in hysterics.
"Snape with that hair, never gonna forget that!" Harry laughed as he pulled his plate a bit.
"Never!" The Weasley Twins chuckled.
James smiled at his Sons exhausted looking expression.
The Marauders excused themselves from the Trio to explore a bit.
When they got back to the common room they heard fighting from the boys dorm.
Harry's dorm...
Okay I know I'm plain evil!
And, I know this is the shortest Chapter yet.
This was needed, my plot is about pick up.
The next Chapter will be a angsty one.
Trust me, you cry right alongside me...
I thought I'd give you a preview though...
So with out further ado...
📷Chapter five: Answers to the Legends!📷
"Harry no, you can't!" Hermione's voice drifted downward.
"What can I do Hermione, this whole life I live is screwed up, I have to warn them!" Harry yelled back to his friend hotly, Remus had a feeling he'd finally get his answers...
"Harry, mate you could change so much more like that!" Ron shouted.
"But he's my FATHER, you have no idea what it's like!" Harry screamed in a octave higher as he accused his friends of something the Marauders knew not.
"No, your right, me, I don't, I was raised in a happy loving home with six Siblings and, so was Hermione, - you know, minus the Sibling part, - but that's just it!-" Hermione picked up where Ron left off.
"Ron's right, the reason our family's were safe and, happy was because of you, Harry, if you go and-and, tell them, you could destroy the world we know, Harry please, sure your Parents may be here but what about Voldemort, Ron's Parents might die instead, or-or his Brothers or Ginny, plus, my Parents are Muggle, Voldemort targeted Muggles, Harry I hate to agree with Fudge but.-" Ron finished Hermione's sentence as she had stopped.
"We did have thirteen years of peace, mate." Ron sounded apologetic, why?
"But-but, my family, what about me, I want a family, I want my Mums hugs, I want my Dad at my Quidditch games, I want that love, the love I missed out on because of that bastard!" Harry yelled in almost pain.
James suddenly understood.
Both he and, Lily had died, he choked back a sob, his Son, it must be so hard for Harry.
Apparently Remus understood to for he steadied himself on the wall, Sirius just looked affronted.
"Harry, please, I know it's hard, I know you've been crying yourself to sleep but please, see reason." Hermione's voice was soft, pleading.
"He's my Dad Hermione, I can't not say something, please, I see your reason, but please see mine, I lived with my horrid Muggle relatives, I slept in a bloody cupboard until I was eleven, I can't-can't not say something when he's right there!" Harry's force was gone he sobbed the Marauders who stood outside the door were crying as well.
"Harry!" Both of Harry's friends yelled now desperate for they're friend to see.
They could hear Ron move in front of the door, trying to block off the only exit Harry had.
Remus took a breath then knocked.
Ron opened the door.
"Uh-oh." Ron stated.
Whelp there y'all go.
It's getting dramatic!

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