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22 years later
Outside a train station, a family of five stood, unpacking trunks from a nice car.
The Father glanced at his Wife with a smile of amusement as his two Sons bickered over something called Gryffindor and, Slytherin.
Too a normal passerby these people would seem quite odd.
The man who could be identified as the Father was most likely in his late thirties, though he was as handsome as he was in High School, if you asked his Wife.
His untamed untidy black hair framed his face even going so far as to hide the blunt cut beneath his fringe.
His piercing emerald eyes would have women swooning on sight, yet they were far beyond they're years.
His Wife's bouncy nature would most likely draw people in, yet discourage others from nearing.
Her flaming hair that would most likely have been just below her shoulders was in in a loose bun with a few daring curls framing her tan and, very freckled face.
Her wise eyes of deep chocolate shined in mirth and, just a bit of irritation at her children giving her the fun Parent look to her.
But that wasn't odd at all.
What was odd to the people who gazed as they passed by was the Owls in cages above the trunks hooting only softly at the boys who owned them.
Commuters look on in surprise as they passed but only spared bare glances.
"Two years, I wanna go now." The little girl whined.
"You will soon Lily, believe me." Harry Potter guided his pouting youngest through the crowd.
"And, you'll have as much fun as we did." Harry snorted at Ginny causing both his Sons to look in shock at they're Dad.
But only until...
"You know, Slytherin could use you Al." The eldest said with a smirk before running head long into the wall between the platforms 9 and, 10.
"You'll write?" The boy with his Fathers eyes said, Harry smiled tenderly at the innocence in them.
"Everyday." Ginny too smiled.
"Not everyday, I don't want people to think I'm needy!" Albus Potter winced as though this though pricked his skin.
"Then we won't, you just say the word and, we'll stop, okay?" Albus nodded.
Ginny grabbed Lily's hand and, also ran into the wall the eldest Potter had gone through.
"Let's go!" Both Father and, Son ran head long into the Barrier, the young closed his eyes while the elder winced as though expecting something.
"Where did they say to meet?" Lily Luna asked.
"We'll find them, don't worry." Just as Ginny said that Harry heard Percy Weasley discoursing to his Daughter about Broom regulations.
Happy not to stop and, say hi the Potters continued.
"Over here, nitwits!" A familiar voice sounded from through the steam.
"Uncle Ron!" Lily Luna jumped into the awaiting arms of Ron Weasley.
"Hey Aunt Hermione, Grandma, Grandpa." Albus waved.
"Aren't you forgetting someone Prongslet Prongslet?" Harrys smile widened as Ginny scowled.
"Uncle Siri!" Lily bounce from one Uncle to the other.
"Hi Great-GodFather-Uncle-Padfoot-Sirius!" Sarcasm dripped from Albus's voice.
Sirius Black bared his teeth playfully.
Remus Lupin and, his Wife both rolled they're eyes.
"Where's my GodSon?" Harry asked.
"Snogging." James Potter the first stated causing Remus to look sick.
"Ah..." Sirius sighed with joy.
"Don't you dare corrupt my Son, Padfoot!" Remus scrunched up his nose.
Over the way Harry saw Fred with his Wife, Katie Weasley, George beside him.
He saw Roxanne and, Freddie standing next too Greg.
He remembered how awful years past were for him and, honestly hoped that his second Son was not the Marauder his first was.
He was smiling like a goon now, he knew it.
As Dora Lupin laughed at Lily Luna's joke he knew he wouldn't trade this universe.
Soon James Sirius joined them looking fairly disgusted.
"I can't believe he's snogging!" He muttered furiously.
"Jamie my boy!" James shouted hugging his Grandson
"Grandad Potter!" Jamie yelled just noticing the original Marauder.
Hermione rolled her eyes at both James's.
"Jumper?" She asked Rose clearly worried about her eleven year old.
"Don't worry Sis, she'll be fine." Harry chuckled at his family.
"I'm sure she's just making sure." Said a new voice.
"Aunt Neville!" Said Sirius batting his eyelashes.
"Now now Sirius." Frank Longbottom wagged his finger.
"You taking the train or..." Ron asked the amused Neville.
"Floo, I just wanted to be here for Alison and, Frank." Harry nodded at the Professor.
Frank Longbottom the second was part of James Sirius's, Freddie and, Greg's gang.
The Golden Marauders.
Alison and, Roxy also started a group with Dominique.
Harry had faith Albus too would make good friends.
"Think Lillian will say yes to Hogsmede?" James asked Greg, Harry heard Freddie snort in the distance.
As the whistle blew for the first of four times, the Golden Marauders, the Six Muscats, - Neville claimed he should never have let Ali watch that nature show at his Parents house, - plus many other older students boarded.
"What if I'm in Slytherin?" Harry heard the muttered question, only he and, Ginny did, she was happy enough too pretend to scowl at James retreating back.
"Then, my dear Albus Severus Arthur Potter, the house of the cunning will have gained its most ambitious and, enthusiastic student, listen Al, it doesn't matter where you go, no one cares, but if you care then ask the hat, believe me, it works." As he stood he saw his Sons face light up in wonder, it was worth it, all the pain of his early teens and, seventh year was worth it, for this, for his eternity with his family all that sorrow was worth it.
The third whistle blew in the steam and, Albus climbed aboard with Rose.
"Why are they staring?" Rose asked.
"It's me, I'm famous." Ron winked at the other two thirds of the trio.
Harry waved as the last whistle sounded.
"He'll be fine." Lily, Ginny and, Hermione stated.
"I know." Harry instinctively touched the lightning bolt on his forehead.
It hasn't pained him for nineteen years.
And, though his adventure ended, he survived.
He had no doubt that Albus and, all of his Nieces and, Nephews would find fun and, mischief at the school which now was safe from threat.
As he sat at the dinner table with his family he knew...
All was truly well.
What a ending huh?
I just had to write a epilogue!
Had too!
I might do a side story if you asked, about the missing 22 years.
But this story is over.
I finished it!
It's so refreshing to actually finish something.
Now any questions will be answered through comments or DM.
Just type your brain needs and, I'll fill.
Signing Off On This Fic.

To The Future!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt