Pranks To Snively.

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James Potter woke early and, very happy.
He had a Son!
His Son was bizarre.
His Son.
His Son!
He was bouncing happily till Sirius decided he'd had enough of James noise.
He threw a pillow at Prongs.
Prongs smirked and, what could he not smirk at?
He tossed the pillow back.
Only to have it hit Remus.
Who then got hit again by Sirius.
"SIRIUS!" Remus yelled.
About ten minutes of fighting later a zooming caught they're attention.
Harry was flying down the stairs his Quidditch robes billowing behind him, something even Snape couldn't perfect.
He was on a sleek looking broom.
"Morning!" He said breathily.
Harry was obviously happy as well.
When a Potter is happy.
Well your in trouble.
That's what Sirius thought anyway.
"Morning Prongslet!" Sirius said smiling as much as Harry.
"Wanna fly?" Harry asked
"Love to Son." James smirked.
James loved flying.
"I see your on the team, just like your old man." Sirius said wiping a fake year away.
"Yeah, since first year." Harry said smirking more.
That causes a outbreak.
"What?" Sirius and, James cried surprised.
Remus's eyebrows rose.
"Did they take that rule away?" He asked.
"Nah, McGonagall just bent it, they were desperate for a Seeker, I was good I guess, so there you go!" Harry said happily.
Remus noticed Harry wasn't as arrogant as James more shy, not happy with attention.
"Wow, McGonagall is here right?" Sirius asked disbelieving.
"Yup, she put me on the team." Harry smiled happily with a faraway look to his eyes.
The four made they're way to the pitch.
"It's exactly the same as twenty years ago." James breathed.
Harry shrugged.
"I'll go get some brooms." Harry said flying off.
"He's awesome!" James said happily.
Remus chuckled.
"He is, well done Prongs." Sirius said.
Harry flew back down, he had two other brooms.
"I am to assume you still don't like Quidditch?" Harry asked Remus.
"Not really." Remus agreed.
"I wasn't sure, you don't really like it now, so I figured." Harry shrugged.
"I'll sit in the bleachers." Remus said.
"With the book we brought accidentally, probably to see new Spells." Sirius rolled his eyes grabbing a broom.
"What kind of broom is that?" James asked his Son.
"Firebolt, newest model broom out there, had it since Christmas third year." Harry smiled.
"Wow, I probably bought you that." Sirius said proudly.
"You did." Harry said.
Sirius's eyes widened.
"Cool." He whispered.
"Well, you are my GodFather." Harry then took off tossing James his broom.
"I am?" Sirius asked.
"Yeah, you are." Harry smirked at the disbelief in Sirius's face.
"Wicked!" James said taking off as well.
Sirius smiled doing so as well.
As James swerved and, looped Harry pulled out something from his pocket.
"What's that Prongslet?" Sirius questioned his future GodSon.
Harry let it go.
It was a Snitch.
"Is that a Snitch?" James asked.
"Sirius gave it to me, said it was yours." Harry shrugged.
Remus's eyes narrowed.
Again with the past tense.
"Hey it is, Padfoot, would you look at that, wonder why you had my Snitch?" James said admiringly.
Sirius shrugged.
Harry watched it zoom around.
James did too.
"Worst thing is, the thing holds a grudge, it doesn't like us Potters." Harry said.
"Why?" Sirius asked.
"Dunno, but it makes it harder to catch." Harry smiled.
James laughed.
"I'm a Chaser, I liked to mess with the damn thing a lot, it probably hated it." James said.
Harry smirked as he lost sight of it.
"I'll catch it, like always." Harry smiled.
James tagged Sirius.
Sirius laughed zooming after James.
Remus saw how Harry watched James every move.
Analyzing him, but why?
"James get back here." Sirius said still trying to tag Prongs.
Harry spotted the glint of gold and, zoom after it.
James stopped flying to hover and, watch.
Sirius too stopped.
Harry's eyes narrowed as he zoomed downward.
Chasing the Snitch.
James watched fascinated as his Son chased something even he couldn't see.
Harry looped around and, over things as he chased the ball around.
He closed his fist around the cool metal.
He breathed in abruptly as he heard claps.
He looked to see his Dad.
His Dad-clapping!
James was in awe as he clapped, Sirius was shocked silly, he too was clapping.
Harry held the Snitch snugly in his hand, smiling he flew over to them.
"Amazing!" James breathed.
"I guess." Harry shrugged.
"Harry!" A voice called.
The three looked down to see a redhead on the ground.
He was also in awe.
Next to him was a bushy haired girl.
She looked disapproving but had a smile on her face as well.
"Ron!" Harry called back.
"Get down here!" Ron called back as well.
"No problem, give me a second." Harry said smiling at the exhilaration he felt.
James followed Harry down.
"Bloody BRILLIANCE!" Ron breathed.
James chuckled.
"Ronald!" The girl said.
"What, 'Mione, did you not just see him catch the Snitch so fabulously?" Ron asked happily.
Harry smiled more.
"I'm not hurt 'Mi, just exhilarated!" Harry said grinning.
She huffed disappointed.
"Still, you could've been hurt." She said reproachfully.
"Hermione, I feel fine, absolutely brilliant." Harry said reassuringly.
Sirius snickered.
"Whatever." Hermione said rolling her eyes.
"Anyway, I've got to tell you something, the Marauders time traveled." Hermione blinked at Harry's words.
"Harry, mate, what?" Ron asked.
"Look for James Potter, Sirius Black and, Remus Lupin around the pitch now." Harry said.
Hermione gazed around gasping.
"How did you?" Hermione asked.
"It's called the Notice-Me-Not Charm, I thought it useful." Remus said.
"I've never..." Hermione said.
She glanced at James who rose a eyebrow.
She gasped.
"Harry." She breathed.
"No, I'm James." James said.
Hermione blinked.
Ron snickered.
"You've rendered Hermione Granger silent, how did you do so?" Ron asked teasingly.
"Ronald!" She screeched.
"She's back!" Harry said.
"Harry!" She yelled.
"Lovely." Ron snorted.
Hermione's rolled her eyes.
Harry smiled.
"Let's eat!" He said happily.
"Is he okay?" Ron asked.
"Yeah, why?" Sirius asked.
"Harry never wants food, he eats it but never wants it, OI!" Hermione had smacked him.
James sniggered.
"He's happy, leave him to it, I like it if you don't mind." Hermione said haughtily following Harry to the castle.
"Ah, okay, I see it now." Ron finally said with realization.
Sirius snorted comically.
The other four followed gratefully.
They went into the Hall it immediately quieted.
Harry's mood remained unfazed, Hermione smiled, Ron smirked.
Whispers broke out.
It made them unnerved.
"Did you hear?" One girl whispered to another.
"Yeah, he's deranged." The other said.
But Harry kept smirking.
Making James eyes widen.
Ron glanced at the staff table.
"Look, toad isn't happy." Ron said.
"Wonderful!" Harry's smile grew.
"Toad?" Remus asked.
His eyes combed the staff table only to land on a small toad like lady.
He gaped.
Age did her nothing.
The other two followed his gazed.
They as well gasped.
"Umbitch." James muttered.
Hermione briefly looked at him.
"Age does her no good." Sirius said disgustingly.
"I know." Remus furrowed his brows following Umbridge's gaze to Harry, who remained unaware.
As breakfast ended Harry's smile grew.
Still unfazed to the gaze of toad.
It made James laugh.
Once breakfast was truly over toad came over to Harry.
"You will still report to my office at eight for your detention Mr. Potter." She smiled almost evilly.
There went Harry's smile, she stalked off.
"On a weekend, a weekend!" Harry whisper yelled.
"That's horrible." Ron said.
"Damn toad." Harry snarled quietly.
James didn't like that lady for making Harry stop smiling.
He was trying to kill her with his eyes.
"Horrible toad." Sirius muttered.
"Her voice hasn't changed." Remus pointed out.
"Cheer up mate." Ron said.
Smile reappearing, James beckoned to Sirius to follow.
The other four watched the two go off.
Harry looked to Remus in question.
"They might need to do something." Remus said nonchalantly.
That night Harry returned from detention pale and, exhausted.
Ron understood helping Harry into bed.
The Marauders had decided to stay in the dorms as well settled down.
They drifted off easily.
Only to be woken by frantic cries later.
"CEDRIC!" It was Harry.
They were up immediately.
Ron as well.
The other boys in the dorm watched apprehensive.
Ron motioned for them to go back to bed.
Slowly Ron shook Harry.
"Mate, wake up, it's okay, your just having a nightmare." Ron said.
Harry bolted up so fast the Marauders leaned back.
He was sweating, he looked panicked for a second then realized where he was.
"Ron, my glasses, please?" Harry asked.
"Sure mate." Ron handed them over.
"I hate them." Harry said turning to Ron.
Ron nodded mutely.
"Think you should write to Snuffles?" Ron asked quietly.
"Yeah, I guess." Harry replied stiffly.
He made his way to his trunk.
Avoiding the Marauders constant stares.
He went down to the common room.
The Marauders went into Ron's bed closed the hangings and, cast a silent Spell.
"What the bloody hell was that?" James asked frantically.
Ron smiled despite the situation.
Here was his best friends proof his Parents loved him.
He knew Harry worried.
Now he could honestly tell Harry his Dad cared.
"Just a nightmare." Ron said evasively.
"Why'd he say them?" Sirius asked.
'Damn.' Ron thought.
"No reason." Ron said.
"He's writing to me and, Lily as well right?" James asked.
Ron felt a lump form in his throat.
He hesitated.
Remus sensed his discomfort.
'So it's true, Lily is dead.' Remus thought.
"Yeah, he is." Ron said.
"Let's sleep." Remus suggested much to Ron's relief.
The next morning at breakfast two figures walked in madly.
"POTTER!" They screamed.
"Close, but not the one your thinking of." James said.
He was smirking devilishly.
Harry wanted to laugh at the sight of the bat and, toad in each other's clothes.
But he restrained himself on a whim.
Snape was wearing a frilly pink dress, Harry chocked back a laugh at Umbridge's billowing black cloak.
Ron was unsuccessful in hiding his laughter.
Hermione faintly smiled.
James just laughed.
"Age did him no good either." Remus remarked.
"Severus, whatever's the matter?" Dumbledore asked smiling as well.
"This-this boy, he switched us and, when we change, it changes with us, Headmaster.
"Ah I see your problem, finite incantatum!" Dumbledore said changing them back.
The whole Hall was still in hysterics.
Even a few Slytherin students laughed at they're Head of House.
"Never forgetting that!" Harry whispered to Ron.
"Never!" Ron whispered back.
"Potter, detention!" Umbridge said scathingly.
"You as well Weasley's, all three of you." Snape said.
"It's not over!" Sirius sang happily.
"What's our first class?" Ron asked.
"Charms." Harry said.
"Ah, good old Flitwick?" James asked.
Ron nodded discreetly to James.
As the six walked down corridors, passed the Defense door they heard a screech.
They ran quickly.
Till they reached Charms.
Toady caught them five minutes later.
"Two week then Potter?" Toad said sneering slightly.
She was covered in goop that was flashing words.
Right then it said.
Voldemort's crony!
James laughed.
She walked away.
"Brilliant!" Ron said.
"Still not over!" Sirius sang again.
Right he was.
At dinner Snape sat at the High table.
Looking smug in his bat black robes.
Then quite suddenly his robes became bath robes.
Pink bath robes with bunny slippers.
Over his head were the words:
You stink!
Even in pink!
The whole Great Hall burst out laughing.
Dumbledore chuckled eyeing the Twins.
"The END!" Prongs and, Padfoot declared.
No one heard them obviously.
But still.
Harry and, Ron looked at them in awe.
Hermione was disapproving.
That night all stunned students went to bed after on thought.
'Never gonna forget that!'

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