Sirius Black.

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That night Harry didn't have a nightmare just dreams of Snape in pink!
He woke around seven.
He saw the Marauders getting dressed.
Harry hadn't stopped smiling, he didn't think he'd ever smiled as much as this!
'I wonder why?' Harry thought sarcastically.
"So as all your dorm mates are gone we thought we'd ask you a question we've wondered!" Sirius exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Er-yeah?" Harry pondered what on earth they wanted to know.
"A few things actually, one; are you the only Marauder prodigy?" James inquired.
"Yeah, just me." Harry muttered.
"Two; where the hell did you get that?" James asked pointing at Harry's scar.
Harry froze, he had of course expected it, but still, how did he answer?
"Er-that's a long-it's a story." Harry stated lamely.
"Okay you can answer it tonight before bed, three; what happens to us, we know Remmy became a Professor but what about Sirius or I?" James carried on.
"Aurors." Harry remembered Sirius saying him and, James had been the wizard equivalent of Muggles Policemen.
"Wicked!" Sirius breathed in happiness, Harry's smile was no longer his face, it was long gone as he thought of what Sirius had gone through.
Only Remus noticed.
"I have one, wouldn't we have remembered coming back?" Remus wondered aloud.
Harry shrugged.
"If we did shouldn't we have fire called to see our young selfs?" James had thought of this of course, but never pondered for more then a minute.
"No, I mean, that'd just be plain weird right?" Harry tried meekly to close the discussion cause he was positive he couldn't hold his tears much longer.
"I guess..." Sirius nodded thoughtfully.
"We should get to breakfast." Remus suggested.
"Yes, but you have to answer the second question later." James said looking pointedly at his Son.
Harry's eyes widened as he remembered what he had to do that night.
"Er-I have to floo call Snuffles tonight." Harry stated.
Sirius growled at the name, but then brightened.
"We'll come!" James supplied.
Harry's brain tried to think of excuses but they were adamant about it.
'Damn' Harry cursed mentally.
"'Mione, Snuffly wants to try tonight." Harry told his friends at the table as the Marauders discussed Snape's new hairstyle.
He had yellow hair in a ponytail but apparently Snape hadn't noticed yet.
"What?" Ron spit his milk out in surprise.
Hermione sniffed disgustedly, reminding Harry heavily of his Aunt.
"Yes, in the ROR." Harry added.
"Well then, what are you doing about the You-Know-Who's?" Hermione asked quietly.
"They're persistent on coming." Harry explained.
"No, absolutely not, no, Harry, no." Hermione shook her head but the Marauders joined the conversation just then.
The day went by fast with the pranks the Marauders played on McGonagall as well as Flitwick, it was enjoyable for everyone but Harry Potter.
Harry was having a internal battle.
So around seven a hour before his next detention, the four headed off, Ron had convinced Hermione to sit this one out.
They reached the seventh floor, Harry paced three times up the corridor so the Room of Requirements door would appear.
The Marauders whom had not found this room gaped.
Harry opened the door to a replica of the common room.
"Bloody hell!" Sirius exclaimed, he was so surprised.
"It's expected that the next generation would find things the first never did." Remus smiled at his awestruck best friends.
"I'll call Sirius, stand in the corner." Harry instructed.
They nodded sitting on a bench on the wall.
"Okay, ready." James smiled.
"Number twelve Grimmauld Place!" Harry stated as he threw his head in the unregistered fireplace.
Sirius's eyes widened, why was he in that hell hole?
"Harry!" A voice called happily.
"Padfoot, come through, just say Gryffindor common room in the Room of Requirements Hogwarts." Harry exclaimed.
Harry pulled his head out chancing a glance at the Marauders before the fire flared green as the bow much older looking Sirius Black stepped out.
The Marauders gaped, Sirius looked horrible, though, Sirius mused, anyone would look bad when living in his old home.
"Prongslet, this was genius!" Black exclaimed happily hugging Harry who smiled so wide his face looked like it would split.
"It was?" Harry asked shyly.
"Of course, now what's the matter, and, no, don't say nothing, I know something is bothering you." Black questioned.
"Okay, so do you remember ever time traveling in your fifth year?" Harry asked.
Black scrunched up his nose remembering.
"We did I think, I remember a boy who looked like Prongs, I remember learning somethings, the last thing I remember is-wait, it was you?!" Black's eyes widened as he looked straight at Harry.
"Yes Snuffly it was me, it is me." Harry smiled softer now.
"Wait, they're-we're here now?" Black's voice was weaker then before.
"Yes, do you realize how persuading you three can be?" Harry asked irritated.
"Yes, I do, we were like Kings, always got our way!" Black's face broke into a smile making him look twenty years younger.
"We do." Sirius agreed with himself.
Black's head snapped over towards them.
"Me..." He breathed in shock.
"God, Padfoot you look like hell!" James exclaimed to Black.
"P-Prongs?" Black's already wide eyes widened.
"Yeah, duh, who else would I be, Harry?" James asked mockingly with his signature smirk on.
"Bloody hell!" Black shouted falling off his chair.
"You still say that the same." Remus snickered though he couldn't help but think Black's shock was unnerving.
"Remus, puh-lease, I still sound the same, I just look like I've been in Azkaban, I wonder what you two look like?" Sirius ranted.
Black's eyes had widened as big as Bludgers.
"Bad." Black stated, shaking his head.
"I bet Lily like me that way though." James said arrogantly.
Black barked a laugh.
"Always the charmer, eh Prongs?" Black asked in fondness.
"Ooh, I still have charm?" James inquired in shock.
"James your thirty-five not a hundred!" Remus smacked James.
"Harry, been having fun?" Black questioned.
Harry's smile increased as he nodded.
Black nodded back.
"Loads, they switched Umbridge's clothes with Snape's!" Harry started laughing hysterically.
"Ha, take that Snively!" Black laughed.
Harry just laughed more.
"Still immature, Merlin I thought you had grown up!" Remus shook his head.
"Well, Snape's a right git young Moony, he hates Harry just cause of James, Harry's nothing like Prongs, he acts like Lil's!" Black threw his arms out in emphasis.
"Is Professor Lupin with you back home?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, Moons is there, I had to beg him to stay, it's hell!" Black exclaimed in disgust.
"Can he come?" Harry inquired his real question in a undertone.
"Let me see." Black said moving to the fire.
"Okay." Harry nodded.
"Hey, get me too!" James smiled at the older version of his best friend which he failed to notice had frozen in place like his future Son.
"Your on a mission, won't be back for a while." Harry lied, as he internally told himself he wouldn't cry.
"Oh, then whys Padfoot here, wouldn't he be my partner?" James inquired confused.
"You were specifically put on this mission." Black stated going along with his GodSons story.
"Oh, okay." James shrugged.
Black yelled his address sticking his head in.
"Moony!" Black called.
"What Sirius, God, your gonna wake the portrait!" The elder voice of Lupin called back.
"You have to get over here, grab my hand." Black probably was smiling happily.
"Fine, but this better be good." Lupin stated.
"That's a understatement." Black snorted.
The fire roared green as Black pulled Lupin through.
"What?" Lupin asked irritated.
"Does time travel ring a bell?" Black's smile was splitting his face making Lupin very nervous.
"No, not really." Lupin shook his head trying to find where Black was going with this.
"Fifth year, the Agrilimbula?" Black asked.
Lupins honey eyes widened.
"Sirius, where are you going with this?" Lupin did in fact remember a certain experience probably the exact one Black was on about but-why?
"We traveled twenty years forward, 1995!" Black yelled shaking Lupin as Lupins eyes widened more, he turned to look at Harry only to meet eyes with his younger self.
"We traveled to now?" Lupin asked, his eyes roamed the room landing on the figure next to Harry-James...
"Indeed we did Moonster!" James smiled at how quickly Lupin had caught on.
"Prongs..." Lupin breathed in surprise as tears threatened to flow.
James smirked transforming into a beautiful black stag with messy jet black fur he antlers pointing in every direction, hazel eyes glinting behind white markings.
"Show off." Sirius muttered.
Seconds later James stood again as he bowed.
"Wow!" Lupin exclaimed remembering vividly the last time he'd seen that Animangus form.
"Just finished it three months ago, right before Hogwarts." James smirked.
"Merlin Moony, you look like hell too!" Sirius exclaimed too as Black barked out another laugh.
"Geez thanks a lot Padfoot..." Remus rolled his eyes causing Lupin to chuckle happy to watch the three have fun like he couldn't anymore.
Black doubled over laughing, Harry smiled at his GodFather laughing as if his world hadn't crumbled.
"It's true!" Black coughed out in between laughs.
"I guess..." Lupin smiled.
"You look like you've been in Azkaban." James stated as his smile as well widened.
Black choked then spluttered.
Remus's eyes widened, why on earth would Black be afraid of Azkaban young Sirius wasn't?
"Yes well..." Lupin trailed off unsure.
Harry decided to butt in.
"Tell them the pranks you pulled on Snape!" Harry yelled as the three Marauders from the past smiled at the mention of Snape.
"We gave him toads clothes, then we turned his black robes to pink bath robes with the words:" Sirius started.
"You stink!" Remus smiled.
"Even in pink!" James started laughing.
"Age did him no good." Sirius mused as the elder them laughed happily though Lupins was more like chuckles.
"No, it didn't." Black agreed.
"Don't you think the Order will be wondering where we are, we should go, bye Harry, us." Lupin stated before disappearing through the flames.
"He's probably gonna laugh, he's been trying to get along with the slime-ball, but that prank was so funny!" Black dissolved into peals of laughter once more before hugging Harry, he turned to the Marauders giving each a hug, lastly he turned to the smiling James.
"Why would he-yuck-Moony you traitor!" James stumbled.
"He thinks that it'll stop Snively on his warpath to get Harry expelled." Black smirked as he hugged the one person he'd wanted to talk to for years.
"Geez." James muttered.
"Bye guys." Black as well disappeared through the flames.
Little did the Marauders know that both men from this time were crying on the others shoulders.
Harry smiled at the fire, he had known Sirius missed his Dad, but he was proven wrong, Sirius craved his Fathers presence, he hadn't missed the stray sob that was let out before the flames engulfed Sirius.
They were Brothers, it was like Ron, if Ron died Harry would be craving Ron's presence, Brothers in all but blood and, with Sirius it nearly was blood, he had heard in the summer that his Grandma was Sirius's Mothers Cousin.
"Let's get to the common room." Harry mumbled.
Once the Marauders had sat Harry bid them goodnight as he had detention so they'd be asleep when he was back.
True to that thought they had been, so no one noticed that Harry pulled his drapes shut them silenced them right before he broke into sobs.
He sobbed for his Father, for his GodFather, he sobbed for Lupin, he sobbed for himself.
He didn't fall asleep for the next hour.
'My life sucks, Merlin, I'm gonna miss them when they go back.' Harry's thoughts drifted to Sirius, he wondered if Sirius was thinking along the same lines right this second.
Then he fell into a restless sleep, filled with pleading before a green light.
Sirius did dream for Prongs...

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