I'm Glad You're Home (Omegle Rp)

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So this one shot was actually done on Omegle. and i have to say this was one of the best role-plays i have ever done on there. I may have shed a few tears doing it.  My co-author actually has a AO3 account which is  Seekeronthepath. I'll link her account at the end of the story

Five months. Five months ago Stiles left town with nothing, but two hundred dollars and a backpack. Ever since then he has been living out of his car. Everything just got too much after the Nogitsune and he left. The two hundred dollars didn't last very long so to get money he has been selling himself to other people. Mostly they just wanted a quick hand job or a blow job. Even though it made him feel gross, but it was better than going hungry. Some nights he would think about how people were probably scared sick about him, but he pushed the thoughts down. He sometimes wanted to call someone to tell them that he was okay and alive, but then he realized that they probably didn't care. Tonight was just like any other night, he stood on the corner with the other druggies and homeless people waiting for someone to pick him up, but the night changed. A man pulled up and brought him to a motel room and wanted more than just some half ass BJ. Now Stiles was sitting in his car trying not to vomit. He have never felt so used. He was covered in sweat and come because the guy didn't let him take a shower afterwards. He shut his eyes tight and pulled out his phone, with a shaky hand he called the only person he could think of to call. Derek.

Stranger: Derek almost ignored the phone ringing, but then he saw who it was and snatched it up. "Stiles?" he said as soon as it connected. "Is that you? Stiles, please tell me you're okay."

You: Stiles sniffled quietly and shook his head even though Derek couldn't see him "It's me..It's me Derek..Honestly..i'm not okay Derek..Far from it" he whispered tears dripping down his cheeks.

Stranger: Oh god. "Where are you?" Derek asked immediately. "How can I help?"

You: "Two towns over..Can you pick me up..I know it's late but i just wanna come home" he said softly

Stranger: Two towns over... "You're in Mossvale?" Derek checked. God, he was so close...if Derek had just kept looking, he'd have found him already. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

You: "Yeah, i am, Thank you Der" he whispered curling up on the backseat with a small sniffle, running his fingers through his messy and now dirty hair.

Stranger: "Of course," Derek said. "Of course, Stiles. Where will I meet you? Do you need anything?"

You: "I'm in front of one of the clubs. i'm in my jeep so it'll be easy to find me" he spoke Softly biting his lip

Stranger: If Stiles had his jeep, why did he need a lift? "I'll find you," Derek promised. "Please be safe."

You: Stiles sighed softly and nodded. He felt bad for making Derek come get him but he had no money, he was sure if the guy had paid him he would have been able to get gas and drive home but he was stuck here "I will" He sighed softly

Stranger: "I'll see you soon," Derek said, and hung up, all but running for his car, grabbing keys and wallet on the way out the door. He barely managed to restrain himself to the speed limit as he drove, his nightmares floating in mind's eye as he wondered what it was that had made Stiles sound so...so broken.

You: Stiles curled himself in the thin blanket and held back from just breaking down. He never had seen himself in this position, never. He said no so many times and it didn't work, Stiles just felt so dirty and used and the evidence was so clear on him and he knew Derek would be able to smell it on him and there was nothing he could do. He wished he never left in the first place.

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