Get to know me.

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So my Bestie decided to tag me in this. Go follow her DemxnicStyles She is my babe like seriously. She has my non existing soul 

Here are the Questions ()

1 Favorite artist or band? Whyyy?

Hmm that's a hard one, Favorite artist is probably Melanie Martinez, the reason why is because of the stories she puts across in her songs and how she talks about real problems.
Favorite band has to be Marianas Trench, the reason because i think they are very underrated and they are so talented too.

2. Who/ Which people inspire you?

Loads of people inspire me, all for small things.

3. Favorite Flower?

Gosh i don't know. There are so many beautiful flowers.
After a long time thinking, i'm gonna have to say Cherry blossom.

4. Gucci or Louis Vuittion?

Neither. Not my style

5. London or New York

New York. London is just ugh.

6. Flower crowns or Bandannas?

Flower crowns. They are just so pretty

7. Most recent picture on your camera roll.

(will do when i'm on my phone)

8. High Heels or trainers?

Trainers/converse i guess. I love the look of heels but i can not walk in them for jesus.

9. Road trip between hotels or Backpacking with local transport?

I'd rather do a road trip. One because i can not handle local transport and two i'd rather be with just me and the other person 

10. Make up or Nah?

Depending on the day. 
Sometimes i wear it, sometimes i don't
Depends if i can be bothered 

Honestly have no one to tag, can't think of anyone so guys just do this if you want

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