Story Generator thing

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Found a story generator and this was made. Kinda crappy but oh well. Proper One shot Tomoz

Stiles Stilinski was thinking about Derek Hale again. Derek was a thoughtless person with pretty eyes and short hair.

Stiles walked over to the window and reflected on his chilly surroundings. He had always loved beautiful Sunset with its late, large lake. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel lonely.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a thoughtless figure of Derek Hale.

Stiles gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was an optimistic, admirable, coke drinker with beautiful eyes and handsome hair. His friends saw him as an arrogant, ashamed angel. Once, he had even saved a friendly puppy that was stuck in a drain.

But not even an optimistic person who had once saved a friendly puppy that was stuck in a drain, was prepared for what Derek had in store today.

The snow flurried like talking cats, making Stiles Sad. Stiles grabbed a silver knife that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Stiles stepped outside and Derek came closer, he could see the red glint in his eye.

Derek gazed with the affection of 809 cute mangled mice. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want your love."

Stiles looked back, even more Sad and still fingering the silver knife. "Derek, I'm sorry I can't do this," he replied.

They looked at each other with shocked feelings, like two obnoxious, ordinary owls shouting at a very hilarious , which had hipster music playing in the background and two intelligent uncles crying to the beat.

Stiles studied Derek's pretty eyes and short hair. Eventually, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," began Stiles in apologetic tones, "but I don't feel the same way, and I never will. I just don't love you Derek."

Derek looked afraid, his emotions raw like a rabblesnatching, raspy ring.

Stiles could actually hear Derek's emotions shatter into 9287 pieces. Then the thoughtless patient hurried away into the distance.

Not even a drink of coke would calm Stiles's nerves tonight.


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