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King Thror had grown sick. The dragon sickness had finally consumed him. The sickness my father had once told me about. He was no longer the caring, gentle soul I once knew him to be. In fact, there was not much he cared for more than his gold, except the Arkenstone. He named it the King's Jewel. He said it was a sign that he was meant to be king and that his line was meant to rule. No one doubted that even before the Arkenstone was discovered. I began to notice changes in everyone around me after the stone was found. I hardly ever saw Thror anymore for he was always in the treasury. Thrain kept busy with business, though I still saw him from time to time. Thorin was heavily bothered by Thror's covetous love for gold, though he tried not to show it. I worried for him.

I had just returned from a walk in the courtyard and began looking for Thorin. All of the sudden I heard him scream from the watch tower. "DRAGON!" and then I heard the bells of Dale ring out. I ran to a near by window to see what was happening. Then I heard a blood curling screech. The dragon had flown right in front of the window I was standing at, he was headed for Dale. I ran to my room near by and grabbed my sais. They would be of little use against a dragon but I needed something to defend myself with. I had to find Thorin and my parents. When I ran into the great hall, everyone was running about in panic, the women and children were crying and screaming and the men were preparing to fight.

"Thorin!" I shouted over and over again. I could not find him amongst the chaos. In those few short seconds, the dragon had already destroyed the city of Dale and had turned his wrath towards Erebor.

"Here it comes!" A guard from the tower screamed. I looked up to see Thorin grabbing Balin taking cover behind a large column. Suddenly flames engulf the tower. "THORIN!" I screamed. I thought he had been burned right in front of me. Then I saw him get up and help Balin to his feet. He looked down and saw me. "Roslina! Run! Get as many people as you can out!"

I began directing people to a secret door that led out of the mountain. "Come on! Run!"

Just then the royal guard ran past, weapons ready. Thrain and Thorin were in the front lines. My heart sank as I knew the dragon was at the front gate. It began to beat the gate and force its way through. I froze and watched everything unfold.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin shouted. And then the dragon broke through the gate. With a few swings of it's arms and tail and all the guards were knocked out of it's way. The dragon ran through the halls breathing fire, killing anyone in his path. The stench of burning flesh filled the air. The sounds of people screaming as they were burning made me weak. I fell to my knees and watched in horror. I could not scream. I could not cry. I could only watch as my home was being torn apart.

"Roslina!" I heard my fathers voice calling out for me. I looked up. He was still on the second level. "Roslina, run! Get ou-" The dragon threw my father into the stone wall. He was dead. "Papa! No!" I began to run towards the stairs when I was grabbed around my waist from behind.

"Roslina, no!" Thorin yelled.

"Let me go! Papa!" I struggled to free myself from Thorin's hold.

"There is nothing you can do!" He pulled me back as I flailed in his arms.

"Papa! Papa! I have to help Papa!" I reached my hands and kicked and screamed and punched for Thorin to let me go. But he did not. He pushed me against the wall and grabbed my face firmly with his hands, making my eyes meet his.

"There is nothing you can do. Please, stay with me. I will not lose you." He pleaded.

I felt so helpless. After that, my mind shut down. I was dead inside. I was numb. We fled Erebor. The elves came and did nothing. I watched Thorin call for help and they turned their backs on us. Thranduil and his army had forsaken us. Everyone was running away. Not me. I just walked and stared blankly into space. I lost my father. I lost my home. I did not know if my mother had made it out. Thorin had a hold of my wrist, guiding me. I could not think anymore.

In only few minutes everything had been taken from us. Everything in our perfect little world was gone.  Shattered.

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