; popular

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Ship // Zerkjzl/Minizerk
Word count:  450+
High school AU

Tobi's eyes grazed over his best friend, Josh. He was staring off into space, again. Tobi didn't even bother trying to work out where his gaze was focused it was always the same person, unfortunately.
Simon Minter.
Tobi gritted his teeth. Just as he thought he had a chance, he steals it. He always does, he always had. And frankly, Tobi was sick of it.

The three boys were in year 11, age 16. Josh and Tobi were rather popular, if they said so themselves. Josh was the stereotypical nice guy (well apart from the fact that he was gay) and Tobi was his kind sidekick. That's how it was and always had been since they had joined in year 7. Well until now it seemed.

Tobi had crossed paths with Simon before- twice in fact and every time it was the same, Tobi would have an awesome best friend then Simon would swoop in and take them. Every single time. Every. Single. Goddamn. Time.
Tobi was starting to think he had finally escaped the endless cycle he seemed to have been stuck in- the last time he saw him was nearly 5 years ago but apparently he had been dragged back in. Tobi thought he had finally found a best friend, and Josh was by far his favourite ever.
And he had a crush on him. Damn you Minter.

Simon himself had no problem with Tobi, he even quite liked him- being the oblivious shit he is. Especially since Josh had a crush on him.
Ever since his internet friend Josh told him about his crush on his best friend Tobi he had been fangirling and nagging Josh to tell him endlessly, much to Josh's annoyance. Especially since he moved schools. The two had been sharing glances throughout the last week and the night before, Simon had told Josh to tell him the night before or else he would.

Going back to the present, Simon nodded at Josh to which Josh was confused about at first before it dawned on him. His breath hitched and he felt his throat begin to close, feeling like he was being suffocated. He was transfixed as Simon loomed closer, panic overtaking him.
Tobi on the other hand groaned, finally Simon was coming to steal Josh, gre-

A pair of lips pressed against his, shocking him at first before melting into the kiss. Maybe Minter wasn't so bad after all. Maybe he could stay a popular for once.

Sorry this is so short I kinda decided I didn't want to do much halfway through (I'm on the school bus) soooo yeah it's nearly as bad as the old ones whoops. Also can someone give me some tips on making it flow bc it's annoying me thx

Xx- Ella

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