; high heels

965 4 2

GirlxBoy // Zerkaa
Word Count: 550+
Warnings: none

-:-:- Josie's POV -:-:-

I felt my ankle buckle beneath me, I internally groaned, before attempting to style it out- which, unfortunately, failed. I braced myself for the impact, knowing that with my awful reactions I would most likely face-plant onto the hard concrete.

Crash. There it is. I felt a pain on my face and my nose was stinging so I most likely had a nose bleed. God damn these heels.

I was on my way back from prom, which was not too far away so I had walked- bad idea. I don't understand why people wear really long stupid dresses, weird sticky stuff- makeup- on their face and heels. Well, actually go to prom in general. Had I my own way, I would be reading fanfiction, skyping my friends or watching YouTube. But my mum forced me to go.

"You'll enjoy it!" Were the words I was told going there, which I knew I would not- who was right? You guessed it. Me. I am that one person who gets dragged to clubs/bars with friends and just sits at the back on her phone. Yep. That's me.

I lay there for a few seconds, thinking about my situation, I decided that sitting up would be the best option.

I tried earnestly to gather at least a bit of strength to heave myself up. After a few tries I finally managed it. I would have gotten up but I realised that I did not have the strength to walk back home. So I laid back down- this time on the grass so people wouldn't trip over me. Then I realised that my legs were still sticking out so I began to wriggle out the way- too late.

I felt someone's legs fall over mine and I hear a shocked squeak as they face planted onto the ground.

I glanced towards the person, studying their features- trying to figure out who it was. At first I didn't recognise them but then it became clear who they were- it was Bradley. Joshua fucking Bradley.

Of course it'd be him. Of course he'd be the one to trip over me. Why do I have to have a crush on him?

He sat up and dusted his knees off before glancing in my direction and his face went from a blank expression to a concerned one.

"Josie? Are you alright?" He asked,

"Yeah. I'm fine- tbh I should be the one asking you. After all, you were the one who tripped over me," I replied shakily,

"Well I'm fine. Anyway, how did you even end up on the floor?" He asked,

"Oh, my ankle buckled because I was wearing heels," I said, shrugging,

"Ow! That must've hurt!" He said, smiling at me before jumping up, and to which I returned half-heartedly.

"Here, take my hand," he said, his arm outstretched which I gladly took.

He pulled me up so that I was facing him- in my heels I was almost the same height as him. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like eternity before we found ourselves leaning in towards the other.

Soon enough I felt a slight pressure against my lips. We both smiled into the kiss, not breaking eye contact.

That was how I had my first kiss.


I wrote this when I was either 10 or 11 allow it guys😂
Xx- Ella

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