; hurt

973 5 3

Ship // Minishaw
Word count: about 1000
Warnings: goryish

Requested by Halkatlaa
A teenager could be seen laid upon the gravelly drive leading up to a small but cosy little house in Guernsey. This was not exactly an uncommon event for the boy, Harold Lewis, was known for his daredevil and quite simply crazy stunts he seemed to pull at least once a week. Most residents of the town had come to ignore it and remember it was Harry and he does crazy acts like that all the time although some of the older citizens would frown and shake their heads from across the street whilst making sure the boy was not injured anywhere past a few scrapes. Holidaymakers, however were not aware that this happened all the time and some had even called ambulances- of which the emergency services had come to realise that unless Harry himself was unconscious or wanting one, there was no point in crossing to the other side of the island. Harry could take care of himself. Luckily.

That was how it had happened on that fateful day, Simon Minter, a boy of 18, had been on holiday in Guernsey with his best friends, Josh, Olajide, and Tobi. It had recently been both his and Josh's birthday and their parents had allowed them to go on holiday as long as they paid for it. They had soon realised how expensive holidays could be but Guernsey seemed to be a good and cheap getaway.

The four were walking down a small lane, messing around- as teenagers do- before they heard the crunch of gravel shortly followed by hissing sound that was quickly followed by profuse swearing. Tobi and Josh immediately looked at each other after the clear indication of hurt from whoever it was that had landed upon the gravel in the drive next to them, they silently conversed with each other about what to do in the situation with they eyes. Simon, however, was already on the case and had sprinted round he hedge to help whoever had seemingly injured themselves, Olajide though, seemed to not have even noticed and was focused on catching a feather falling from the sky but, well, that was just Olajide.

Round the other side of the hedge, Harry was sprawled out on the floor, deciding he couldn't be bothered to move; this was partly because he simply didn't want to and the other part was the fact that Vikram, his best friend, had warned him earlier that morning that it was a stupid idea to jump of the roof and well, Harry didn't want Vik to be boasting about how smart he was for any longer than necessary. However, whilst he was in his trance-like state he didn't notice Simon running towards him.
   "Oh My Gosh! Are you ok? You look like you are hurt! What did yo-" Harry could hear whoever it was talking but he didn't care: stupid holiday makers, it was always the same. Every. Single. Time.
   "Shut up boy." Harry said, finally having enough of Simon stood beside him asking questions- could he not tell he was totally fine? His accent told him that he was a Londoner- a rich one, Harry guessed.
   "Oh thank goodness! You're alive!" Yep. This kid definitely went to a private school for at least five years of his life. Harry hated holiday makers enough as it was, and them being posh just made him hate them more. Spoilt brats.
   "Kid, shut up. I'm fine okay?!" Harry was extremely exasperated at this point, he pushed himself up from the ground and wiped his slightly bloody hands upon this bare legs which were not covered by his shorts. He would so much prefer to have Vik shout at him for being so stupid than have to stand anywhere near this Londoner.
   "Oh my word, you're bleeding! I need to call an ambulance!" Harry wanted to slam his head against a wall, what on earth did his parents teach him? He could swear his elbows weren't even bleeding, yes his knees and hands were, but did this boy seriously think it called for an ambulance?
   "What did your parents teach you? I'm barely bleeding, why on earth would it be necessary to call an ambulance?" Harry sighed, just wanting the boy to go away at this point. It seemed to work as the boy immediately stopped talking, embarrassed, he must admit, the silence was rather awkward but he much preferred it to the boy talking.

As the two stood there, three figures entered the driveway. Harry wanted to-
   "Hey, do you want us to help clean up your knees?" One of them called, Harry let out a sigh of relief- finally, a holiday maker that actually knew what they were doing.
   "Yeah that would be nice I think there's some disinfectant inside, I'll bring it out,"  Harry replied, he had considered the fact of doing it inside but, well, it was a stranger and that might not be the best idea.
   "Yeah, that's a good idea. I also apologise for my friend here, his parents are quite rich and he went to a private school, I understand if you thought her constant questions were annoying. Oh, and my name is Josh, that's Simon and that's Olajide and Tobi" Josh spoke with a warm smile as Tobi waved at him and Simon stood looking at his feet as heat rose to his cheeks
   "Nah, it's ok- I get it a lot. He's  also quite handsome too." Harry replied as Simon's blush quite clearly increased, his cheeks a far darker shade of pink. Josh and Tobi giggled at this comment.

Olajide was still focused on catching his feather though.


Sorry it goes off plot a bit xx there might also be female pronouns in there because it was originally written as girlxboy for an English project, hence the slight change of prompt. Anyway remember to smack the my follow button and vote button ;)😂😂

Xx- Ella

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