; number 1

715 7 0

Ship // Minizerk
Word count:   332
Warnings: meme + it's rlly shit

Josh woke up with a start, immediately being encased in a pounding headache. He just wasn't up to it. Last night he had spent an extra hour editing due to the file corrupting half way through which had added an extra couple of hours to the regime anyway, it didn't help that he had streamed overtime by an hour. It wasn't even like Josh had a great amount of sleep anyway. At that moment he just wanted to fall of the face of the earth.

One of his roommates had decided they didn't want him to do that though as whilst he became more conscious he began to realise what had woken him up- the sound of possibly the most obnoxious song ever to be created and frankly, Josh simply couldn't be arsed. He turned onto his front and prayed that the noise would stop soon as he pulled a pillow on top of his head.

Downstairs, Simon was frowning. He could've sworn that he had played 'We are number one' at least 5 times at full volume, how had Josh not noticed yet? He was such a hater of memes and Simon always played that to his advantage. The boy groaned and yanked his phone off the speaker and grabbed the portable one next to it. This was going to take a bit more effort than normal. As he wandered up the stairs to Josh's bedroom he began having an argument with himself as to why Josh hadn't reacted; had it not been loud enough? Surely not. Whatever was keeping Josh from giving the strangled cry to tell Simon to be quiet Simon was going to solve it.

Upstairs, Josh could feel himself slowly drifting to sleep and he was completely grateful for it.

Suddenly there was a crashing sound and his door burst open with the obnoxious meme playing at full blast as Simon fell to the floor.


short but cute bc i gave up lmao
someone help me make it flow tho legit

XX -Ella

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