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It was the next day with a meeting ready to commence. The only problem was that Francis was missing. This left everyone wondering and annoyed. Suddenly, the door opened with Francis looking quite stressed appearing.

"I am sorry for being late." He sat down and it the meeting finally started. Throughout the meeting he found himself drifting off into thought not really caring about anything being said. Seemingly in seconds the meeting had ended and he was gathering his things to go.

Throughout the meeting Arthur had noticed the difference in Francis' attitude. After the meeting had ended he tried cheering him up by saying a playful insult.

"Hey Frog, good to see that you still have such a punchable face." He got no answer and started to worry. He tried a different approach. "I hate you, frog." He said as playfully as he could.

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing." Francis mumbled walking away and out of the room leaving the Brit in fear.
What happened...?


Francis sighed as he watched the bird on the railing of the balcony. He watched its every move while wondering why it was there. Then the gray sky decided to drop down its tears of rain. As soon as the first drop hit, the bird had left him alone. He frowned and look to the ground. He watched the people below as they went on with their day. The longer he looked, the less he realized that it was raining.

The more he looked the down, the more he wanted to fall down. Thinking that maybe it was the best option and he wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore. It was left as nothing more than a thought let to lurk in his head.

He went home that night not bothering to sleep. He just sat there aimlessly staring out the window. It was all pain and he wanted nothing more to numb. Thoughts seemed to burst through his mind with each passing second. Each thought was like a nice to his heart. Despite all the terrible things he was feeling, he did nothing. He stayed in place barely breathing properly trying to hold it all back.

Just as he was about to burst, there was a knock at his door.

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