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He opened the door to the meeting room tiredly. The noise of the other nations hit him hard causing his headache to worsen. All he could do was sigh, walk to a seat, and sit.

He watched the others knowing it was all the same. Still didn't stop his headache from becoming nearly unbearable.

"Hey Francis." He looked over to see Alfred had sat down next to him.


"Can I talk to you after the meeting?"


"Great!" Alfred smiled and looked away to watch the others. Francis kept a gaze on the other wondering what Alfred wanted in staying after the meeting. Slowly, his gaze moved to other things until he eventually closed his eyes and listened to everything around him. No, it didn't help his headache. In fact, hearing so much frustrated him.

All those voices. All the yelling. All the noise...it echoed, bouncing back and forth filling his head. It was too much. Far too much.

He opened his eyes and found nothing had changed. His headache felt worse and it wouldn't stop. It just kept growing. The noise escalated into pure screams of agony. It was the agony of the many people anguished and he knew it. They got louder as if to torture him. He covered his eyes and shut him eyes tightly hoping they would go away. They only grew louder and louder.

Suddenly, they stopped.

"Francis!" A muffled voice called. He opened his eyes and pulled his hands away from his ears. "Francis are you okay?" He looked over and found Alfred looking at him with worried eyes. He then noticed that everyone was staring. All he thought of was standing up and walking out.

He knew someone had followed him but he didn't care. In fact, he was thankful for it. He needed help. He needed it all to stop. He needed sleep. He needed someone to calm him.

Anyone please...help....

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