i feel like i'm just missing

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calum was talking to his obnoxious friends in the messy line the administrative had put them in.

"mate, i swear if i get pared with a chick she better be hot." calum laughed, "no ugly girls are going anywhere into my dorm."

you could say calum was a little bit of a 'fuckboy'.

when the group from the american school arrived, calum's friends immediately began joking about 'fresh meat', "cal, get a load of that one. she's on the taller side but she looks like a good time." his friend, joshua, motioned over to a brunette girl who was laughing at what calum assumed was something the extremely short blonde girl next to her said.

"nah josh, look at the one next to her. the chick's friend is a lowlife." calum heard chris, another boy in his group say. calum wasn't very acquainted with him, but he new chris was very judgmental.

according to chris, if someone had no soulmate, they were a lowlife and had no real reason to exist. calum looked at the blonde girl's wrist and noticed she did in fact have the tattoo of two birds flying in separate directions, which signified that they had no soulmate.

unlike chris, calum felt sorry for those people. they had no one. he sympathised with them, knowing that emptiness you feel without your one true love. but, instead of putting chris in his place, he went for the remark he knew his friends wanted, "well chris, those ones are always the best fucks." to which his friends all laughed and agreed.

"michael clifford to calum hood"

calum spun around quickly at the mention of his name, and his eyes caught sight of a boy with fading dark blue hair. calum just couldn't take his eyes off this boy. his friends followed his gaze and saw the boy before laughing and hitting calum on the back. "cal you got a faggot, sorry for you man." but calum didn't listen to them them.

his stomach was spinning. calum felt so confused at the feeling. then, he locked eyes with the boy's absolutely gorgeous green eyes.

gorgeous? what was he thinking, he mean the weirdest eyes. not gorgeous.

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