GG - Chapter 5

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~Adaleigh's POV~
~ (until further notice) ~

"Ms. Adaleigh" I looked up at Mrs. Bryant


"Can you run this to the office for me please?"

"Yes ma'am" I said as I walked up to the front of the classroom once again. Twice in two days... Wow... Maybe I can use this to find that boy from yesterday. I thought to myself.

I slowly walked down the hall, peering into each classroom as I walked by.

Finally, I looked into the classroom from yesterday and saw the boy. His black hair made him stand out from all the lighter colored hair. It was odd that he was the only black haired one. I slowed down outside and gazed in, hoping he would look over and meet her outside the room. What am I thinking? He wouldn't come out to see me, not after yesterday.

Then, I looked back into the room after gazing down the hall a second and made eye contact with the boy. I darted my eyes away and speed walked away from the window on the door.

She heard a click behind her and turned around quickly.

"Why were you looking at me?" Asked Zach, a deep, mysterious, new voice.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday... I- I didn't mean to be so rude. I was just surprised. I-I'm sorry..." I said, stumbling with my words and swaying slightly.

"No worries, I get it. No need to try to save yourself, I already have my opinion of you formed."

"And what is that opinion?" I asked, the question clear in her voice.

"That you aren't worth my time. You're not my type anyway. What are you, a straight A gg? I bet you are. But I don't want to deal with you. You're to good for me."

"Excuse me? That was rude. I was trying to be nice but clearly you aren't worth my time either. Bye!" I stormed away toward the front office.

"Bye gg" mocked Zach

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