First Time - Chapter 10

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I felt his large hands run down my naked body. I couldn't help but feel so right. Like I'm supposed to be in this moment. Like this moment is supposed to last forever.

"Mmm~ you're so beautiful you know that?" I hear his angelic voice coo to me as he runs his fingers across my breasts.

"Y-yes sir" I say, harder to get out then I planned. I felt so venerable, but for some reason I loved it. I had any even known him that long, yet, I feel like I have known him forever.

"Good girl. Now, we are done here" he says as his warm touch leaves my cold body. I jump up and pull off the blindfold.


"I said we are done here. You can go. I'll see you later princess" he turned his back to me and opens the door to the closet. The bright light leaves me temporarily blind and before I knew it I was all alone in the closet. And should I not mention... Naked...

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