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Reader's POV (Still)

"And this is Mira!" Lucy finished.

It was a woman with a pink dress and pretty white hair. She turned around and smiled brightly at me.

"Hello there and welcome to Fairy Tail. Are you looking to join?" Mira asked and looked me up and down.

I must've looked pretty shady or sickly or something. Because she suddenly frowned a bit.

"Your name is (Nickname), right?"

I nodded slowly.

"Are you okay?" She asked and she suddenly put a hand on my temple.

"I feel fine." I said. Just a bit chilly. But that's about it.

"Are you sure?" She asked and looked at me with worried eyes.

I nodded. What did I look like? Why did she look so worried?

"(Nickname)! Come 'ere for a moment." Came a voice behind me.

I turned around and saw a really short man jump down from a bar stool.

"That's Master Makarov." Lucy said. "Go on." She patted my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a baby. I can walk on my own." I muttered as I walked towards Makarov.

"Come outside with me will ya? Let's have a tall in private." He said and looked up at me.

I nodded and followed him out the door. I looked over my shoulder and saw (E/n) talking with the white cat, Carla. She wouldn't worry if she never noticed I was gone.

We walked until we reached a river of some sort. There was a stump that Makarov jumped up on.

"Sit down." He said and pointed beside him on the ground.

I nodded and pushed my cloak behind me and say down.

"So, (N/n). What are you doing at Fairy Tail?" Makarov said and looked at me.

"Um, I was pulled here by Natsu."

"Okay, how did Natsu and you meet?"

"I was sleeping in his house."


"I had no where else to go."

"Were you hiding?"

"Yes- Wait." I looked at him and he had a knowing look in his eyes. And that look sent chills down my spine.

"Are you (Y/n) Black? Zeref's Pupil? The woman who the Magic Council is after?" He asked sternly.

My eyes widened and I was about to get up and bolt. No one just asks that question without expecting the answer to be "yes". So he knew.

"Natsu came to tell me something as soon as Lucy began your tour. He said he read your book. It fell out of the hammock and he read that before waking you up."

My eyes widened a bit more then I closed them, looking down. "It was a stupid idea to come here, wasn't it?"

"No child, it actually wasn't. Only Natsu and I know. As ridiculous as it sounds, Natsu understands how serious this is. He thinks your a nice girl and that I shouldn't turn you in."

I sighed deeply. "And what do you think?"

"I think..."

I felt him grab my arm and he pulled up the sleeve. I panicked. My first thought was he was gonna hold me here. And if I ran, he would easily knock me out cold.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, child." There was a bright light on my arm and my eyes shot open. "I hope I guessed correctly. I was thinking you would like (f/c)."

Natsu's POV

I hope (Y/n) is okay. Was telling Gramps what I read a bad idea? I can't seem to find her anywhere.

"Hey!" I yelled to (E/n). "Where's  (N/n)" I asked once I had gotten her attention.

She flew up above everyone and did a full circle before coming down towards me.

"I cannot find her. Where did she go?" She asked.

"I dunno." I said. "I kinda talked with Gramps about her..." I smiled nervously and rubbed the back of my head.

"What did you tell? I know Dragon Slayers have a high since of smell. And that you probably had that book before she even woke up. What did you tell?!" (E/n) glared deeply at me and flew up so she was looking down at me.

I put my hands up. "All I said was who it said she was! I was out on a job to get her anyway. So why not just being her here?"

"You were sent to capture us!?" (E/n) yelled, though the guild was loud, it seemed to have gotten quieter.

"Yes! Okay? I was." I put my hands up. "You should be thanking me for not turning you in."

(E/n) clenched her fists before zooming towards the door.

"Wait!" Happy yelled after her. "What did you do?" He suddenly turned to me.

"What do you mean, what did I do?" I asked, throwing my hands up.

"You said something now she's upset. Did you tell her about our mission?" His face suddenly dropped before I could even nod. "Now she won't trust us if (N/n) is in trouble."

I sighed and rubbed my face. This was all hurting my brain. Why did things suddenly get so complicated?

"Calm down, (E/n)! Haha. I'm fine, see? I even got a mark."

My head snapped up as I heard it. (Y/n) was okay? And she even laughed? It sounded kinda strained though. But whatever. It was still a laugh.

"What do you mean he gave you a mark?!" (E/n) panicked as the door opened again.

I turned to look and I saw (Y/n), Gramps, and (E/n).

"Look, see? It's a guild mark." (Y/n) said as she rolled up her sleeve to reveal a (f/c) guild mark on her wrist.

I ran towards them and looked down at Gramps. "You let her join the guild?!" I grinned.

He nodded. "She promised not to cause us trouble. You know how the council dislikes us." He have me an accusing look.

I grinned. "Oh well. But that's great! Now (E/n) needs a mark and we'll be all set!"

"Hey, (E/n)!" Happy said as he flew over with the stamper. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Me?" (E/n) asked. "Oh, um. (2f/c), I guess."

"Aye!" Happy smiled and waited as (E/n) moved her dress so she coup get her guild mark.

"I'm still not sure about this..." I heard her mutter.

"It'll be fine, (E/n)." (Y/n) said. "Oh, and Natsu! Lucy!" She turned and locked eyes with me and looked around for Lucy. "My name's not (N/n). Sorry for lying. It's actually (Y/n)."

"You could've at least not have told them your real name." (E/n) groaned.

I nodded. "Yeah. I knew that already. It's okay. Can I still call you (N/n) though?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "No thanks. But you can do what you want." She smiled a toothy grin at me and I returned it.

Outcast (Fairy Tail X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz