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I was more comfortable with Lucy then hyper Natsu. It might be because Lucy isn't asking me to fight her. I looked around and spotted a tree to use as a target.

"Dragon Roar!" I yelled. I looked at the tree and saw its leaves were all shriveled up and the bark peeling off. Dang it.

"Whoa. Is it supposed to do that?" Lucy asked.

No. No it wasn't. "Yeah." I lied. I was so used to the Dark Magic that now it's effecting every other spell I do. Just great.

"That's pretty awesome." Lucy smiled. "Can you do anything else like that?"

"Um... no..." I said. I could. Just didn't want to.

"Okay. I can see why you don't really like to battle your friends. That would hurt even Natsu." She smiled.

"You really think so?" I smiled a small smile.

Lucy nodded. "Yeah." She smiled and sat down.

I sat beside her as she started to train with Capricorn. I moved out of the way as Capricorn instructed and did my best to listen from where I was. All in all the day was fun.

Then, one of Lucy's Celestial Spirits showed up.

We were all gathered, ready for the end of the day. When a serious voice came from behind everyone. "Princess. We need you and your friends urgently." It was Virgo, I believe.

"What do ya need?" Lucy turned around.

"The Celestial World is falling apart." Virgo said.

"What? How can we help?" Lucy asked.

"I need you to come with me." Virgo said.

"To the Celestial World? I thought humans couldn't go without dying."

"There is one way. You need to wear clothes from the Celestial World."

"That simple?" I asked.

"Apparently." Lucy said.

"Let's go!" Natsu said.

"Okay." Virgo said then I was surrounded by a bright light.

I closed my eyes and waited until it goes away. I looked down at myself to see my clothes have changed into a (f/c) dress with glittery gold lining. Not my style, but I can live with it as long as I don't die or something.

"Look at this place!" I heard (E/n) gasp beside me. I looked at her to see she was in a shiny dress with golden flower designs. It fit her.

"Welcome to the Celestial World." Someone said behind me. "You're Loke, right?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"You said the Celestial World was falling apart." (E/n) said. "It looks just fine to me."

"Well, I lied." Virgo said.

"What?" Lucy said. "Then why are we here?"

"To welcome you and your friends back." Said a huge voice.

"Big mustache!" Happy said and Natsu started giggling.

I rolled my eyes at them. The huge floating guy with a a big mustache, as Happy pointed out, said a few things, then everyone started talking at once. I covered my ears and went to a corner.
Apparently a party just started. I wasn't a party person.

"puu-puun" I looked beside me to see a Plue like creature. I picked her up and smiled slightly. She looked really cute. She had a pink bow on her head and a light skin color. I hung out with the other spirits for the rest of the party. Which had delicious food and there was a lot of light and cheerful chatter.

When we got back from the party, three months had gone by. Three months that we were supposed to be training. Waisted.

"Why can't time slow down for us for once?" Gray sighed.

I smiled slightly at them. Time stopped for them for seven years. And when they tried to make it up, they were swept to a party which sped up time for them again. I felt sorry for them.

"Let's make the most of the time we got! We'll train extra hard!" Erza said.

"We have to!" Lucy agreed.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu said.

I nodded and smiled. Their spirits can change in an instant. "I'm gonna go practice in the forest." I said.

"I'll come with you." Natsu said.

I shook my head. "No thanks."

"Aww." Natsu sighed. "Okay."

I smiled and nodded as everyone said where they were going.

"Are you really gonna practice that?" (E/n) whispered to me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm still having problems controlling it, remember?"

(E/n) nodded. "Good point. Okay. I'll carry you."

I sighed and nodded. "Fine. But don't make me hurl."

(E/n) nodded. "I'll do my best. See ya." She grabbed my shirt and lifted me up. I waved with a smile before (E/n) zoomed off towards the forest.

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