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"It's getting late, (Y/n). We should start heading back." (E/n) said from on top of (Y/n)'s head.

(Y/n) nodded and stretched. "Yeah. This place is bigger then I thought. I was hoping I would have maybe an hour to practice, but oh well."

(E/n) nodded. "Yeah. Oh well. Where are we anyway?"

"Somewhere around the castle. I believe." (Y/n) said as she looked at the map. "Let's head that way." She pointed.

"We should get back before midnight." (E/n) reminded. Suddenly her ears perked up. "I know those footfalls..." she said with a hiss.

(Y/n) didn't have time to process the fact that an Exceed, a cat, hissed. She's never heard (E/n) Hiss before.

"Flare!?" (Y/n) gasped as she saw the red headed wizard come out from a shadow. She could recognise the mean and freaky look in her eyes from a couple of months ago, when she left Raven Tail. She used to be one of Flare's favorite training partners. AKA, training dummy. Granted, Flare would bandage her up to health afterwards, but only so they could train again.

"Oh, hello (Y/n) Black." Flare said sweetly. "Long time no see. How's life running from the council?"

"Just fine, thank you." (Y/n) said flatly. Raven Tail was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. She actually would've preferred Ivan to Flare. And that's saying something for some people.

"No need to be rude. I just came to say hi and catch up what I missed."

"I didn't miss you're fiery hair burning my wrists, that's for sure."

"Or my wings." (E/n) added.

She did that? (Y/n) thought. Burning me is fine. But you don't burn (E/n)'s wings without me knowing about it.

"Well, I promise I won't burn you this time." Flare said. "I'm just doing you a favor." She said before she turned around and started running.

"Wait, what?" (Y/n) said, slightly confused by this.

"(Y/n)!!" (E/n) yelled as a black blur flew past (Y/n).

She wheeled around as she felt a tug in her gut that felt immensely horrible. (Y/n) fell to her knees almost immediately.

"What just happened?" She asked, her voice cracking a bit.

"For joining Fairy Tail. I'll leave you for the guards to find. Glad to see you take your punishment seriously."

Ivan? Master Ivan? (Y/n) thought as her vision went black and she felt nothing.

~~~~~Reader's POV

"We found her!" Said a familiar voice. It sounded like it was through water though. Blurred and muffled.
"Wake up, (Y/n)." It said.

I opened my eyes slowly to see fuzzy blue hair and a pair of glasses.

"L-Levi?" I said. My throat felt dry and I felt weak. I didn't like feeling weak. My eyes snapped open and I sat up, almost hitting Levi, as I remembered what happened. I held my head as it started to burn from the sudden movement.

"Don't scare me like that." Levi said. "You're okay. We'll get you help."

I shook my head. I didn't want help. I just wanted to get back to the hotel.

"What time is it?"  I asked, despite my dry throat.

"It's about two o'clock." Levi said. "Elfman filled in for you in the first challenge."

"No!" I said. "Why now?" I said and put my head in my hands.

"You should rest. Let's get you out of the cold." Levi said as she stood up and kept an arm around me.

I tried to get up on my own, but found myself leaning on Levi. I would usually consider this embarrassing, but I was tired, cold, and spent. All of my magic energy was gone.

Levi smiled down at me. "It's okay. You're fine."

I nodded. Though that's not was bothering me. What happened? Why would Raven Tail do this? I know they were made to destroy Fairy Tail, but seriously. Why? Did they really intend for the guards to find me like they said? Or was it a bluff? Just to get me thinking? Well, if it was, it's definitely working.


"(Y/n)! Where did you find her?"
I rolled over in the bed as I heard the door open and people burst in.

"Levi found her in the castle courtyard."

"Natsu, Lucy." I said as I recognized their faces.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Just tired."

"Do you know who did this to you? Can you tell us what happened?" Natsu said.

"I'm sorry. But no." I lied. "I wish I could've helped you guys."

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Lucy said.

"Yeah. I can come watch though." I made a move to get up.

"No, no, no. You need to stay down here and rest." Said the nurse behind the group.

"But I feel fine now. I won't participate in the games today. Ill be able to tomorrow. I just wanna watch."

"You can watch through a lacrama." The nurse said as she started waving everyone out.

"Again? No. I want to watch it with my own eyes for once." I sighed.

"You can do that tomorrow." The nurse said as she handed me a drink. "Drink up."

I sighed and drank it. Whatever it was. I suddenly felt tired. I yawned and laid down. Should've seen that coming from a mile away.

"You'll recover faster if you rest." The nurse said as I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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