A Dreamer's Dream

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Luke POV

After a delicious breakfast everyone went off to do their own thing. Mr Blackbourne left to work on the Ashley Waters mission, Dr Green had to get ready for his shift at the hospital, Gabriel went back upstairs to take a nap while Victor followed him up to his room to begin the background search. Silas and North left to plan for their return to the mall that night and Kota and Nathan were anxious to return to Sunnyvale in case Sang showed up . They waved goodbye talking about stopping somewhere and getting some soups and things for the mysterious bird, leaving one Lucian Taylor to his own devices.  

Luke decided to stay until it was time for him to be at the diner and went upstairs to Victor's room. He spotted his best friend sprawled out on the bed snoring up a storm and Victor at his desk typing away at his computer. With a sigh Luke plopped down in a bean bag chair and grabbed the TV remote, keeping the volume low, he flipped through the channels before settling on a random cooking show. Staring blankly at the screen Luke thought about this new bird that had his other friends in such an uproar. He felt bad that she was suffering abuse at the hands of her mother, he hated that the ones that were supposed to care and love you the most seemed to be the ones that were always cruelest. 

He frowned a bit as he thought about what his brothers were put through because of their parents, and again felt lucky that he was raised by Uncle. Even though his mother had died and his father had abandoned him to his uncle, Luke had a much better childhood than most of his brothers, a part of him would always feel guilty that North had been hurt by their dad while he had been laughing and goofing around with Uncle.

The sound of someone letting out a surprise cough had him glancing over at Victor, pulling him out of his depressing thoughts. Victor was staring at the computer screen in confusion typing furiously on the keyboard. Knowing better than to disturb him when his friend was that focused Luke turned back to the TV and let his thoughts drift back to the bird.

Sang Sorenson. This girl seemed to be one giant contradiction. Someone brave enough to accept a swimming contest with a virtual stranger and own up when she lost a bet, yet at the same time act shy and confused when his brothers treated her with any kindness. He was very curious about this girl..suddenly he smirked. He just had a brilliant idea! Glancing at the clock to see that he still had plenty of time before he had to leave, Luke leaned back in the bean chair and placed his hands behind head. He then closed his eyes and let himself Drift. Sang Sorenson. It took surprising less time than he thought it would to find her consciousness and he had to hold back a victorious shout when he discovered she was still asleep. Letting himself completely relax, he slipped into her dream.

He appeared in a dark forest. Glancing around he immediately knew he was in a nightmare and felt sympathy for the girl. After what she just went through he shouldn't be surprised she wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully. He began to hear the sounds of running. Walking in that direction he comes across a small clearing with only a large tree standing in the middle. Several large roots stuck out from the bottom and the moon illuminated it seeming to make spotlight at the creepy tree. Luke instantly knew this was were the dream would reach it's peak. 

He stood at the edge, just out of sight as he watched a small girl shoot out of the cluster of trees on the other side of the clearing, she raced past the tree only to trip and fall as she got herself tangled in one of its roots. He couldn't help but take a step forward, he wanted to help her.


He glared down at the offending sneaker that had loudly stepped on the dried leaves. Stupid dream worlds, he was way quieter than this usually and he never would had made such a noise in the real world. He watched as she struggled to get back up letting out a sob when she realized she was stuck. He was surprised at the determination of the girl. Even when she was tangled up, tired and hurting she didn't give up. She continue to struggle with the root.

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