Chapter Five: Solivagant

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Following my none too pleasant encounter with a would be assassin, much of the stronghold was on alert

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Following my none too pleasant encounter with a would be assassin, much of the stronghold was on alert. My warriors could be trusted to keep word of it quiet, but I was still none too happy with Forven's actions. The sentiment behind it—appreciated. The consequences, however, not nearly as much.

That night, many warriors had come to my study. Some had been nervous, others brash, but a single theme carried throughout every one of their visits: the desire to take my duty upon themselves until the threat had been squelched. Each offer I had respectfully declined, explaining that no real danger had presented itself.

Somehow, I felt that none of them believed me.

Regardless, before even that dilemma, Forven and I had visited the servant's quarters. Maids were the bearers of more knowledge than even myself may be aware. We had entertained a brief interrogation. None of them immediately offered any information, and from experience I knew that there was nothing that I would gain from the discussion. If a maid didn't speak up immediately, she wouldn't speak at all. Leaving, I did not tell them the reasoning behind my visit—sometimes it was best to allow their imaginations to run rampant.

Finally, after all the tedious and mind stretching conversations came to an end and the night passed in tiring lethargy, I prepared for patrol. I was thankful to be on the day patrol, for evil flourished under the cover of night and I wished to be as near my father as I could in that time.

Early rays of sun peeked over the horizon as we exited the stronghold. The grim mood of late had faded noticeably. It felt normal almost. If only I could convince myself that it actually was.

Forven stayed closer to my side than ever before. I sighed. I thought we had grown past this...

We completed our routine travelling along the stronghold's edge, making our way farther away and then back again. Strangely, we encountered nothing. The destruction of the spiders' nest night before last had fulfilled its purpose. We could rest easy for some peaceful amount of time—or as peaceful as we could manage. I was about to call an order to return when something rustled behind me. I immediately nocked an arrow, sighting down the shaft and searching for a threat. I whistled softly, a known warning among my warriors and I. They would be on alert.

Nothing immediately appeared—unsurprisingly. I waited... Just when I was to lower my weapon and step forward, a voice sounded. "Pardon, sirs, I seem to have ventured off the path." From amid the foliage, an elleth appeared. Her clothes bore the mark of Rivendell. Raven wisps of hair escaped from her hood and she slowly pushed it off her head.  "I am Iaewneth, courier from Imladris."

I eyed her. Lord Elrond had one or two elves he usually sent to bring my adar any sort of news—not that such an occasion arose often. Elladan and Elrohir would bring words at times as well. This elleth I had no memory of. "Where is Rûdhon? Or Alyan? Has some ill befallen them?"

Iaewneth seemed to flinch. Perhaps it was just my paranioa, but I could have sworn that her hand had twitched towards her belt. "Nay, my prince. They were simply indisposed at the time they were needed. I think there was something about injury gained in a spare or some such."

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