Chapter 3

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I was so embarrassed I didn't even say hi! No stop it Talya he's no good! But he was actually kind of cute... Really cute....NONONO Corey is NOT good stop... I guess I'll just see where the future takes me....not with him hopefully!!

I thought about Corey's lopsided smile and told myself that I needed to stop thinking about him.

Joy scratched at the door, so I decided to take her out.

We were walking down the side walk, and of course she wanted to go right, but as we neared closer, I saw the person I hoped I wouldn't. Corey was outside smoking and yelling at his friend on the phone!!

"Did you fuck her yet?!" He screamed into the phone. Oh my god he's disgusting!!

I nervously tried to pull joy in the opposite direction, but she wouldn't budge. Instead, she sprinted in front of his house!! I stood there awkwardly and she sniffed around to see Corey standing there smiling at me. I smiled back and nervously looked back down at Joy.

"Hey you live next door right?" He asked.

"Yeah I live next door," I replied and awkwardly smiled.

"Is this your new puppy!" He squealed looking at her. Haha, well that was kind of cute!

"Yeah haha!" Omg what are you doing Talya just talk like a normal person?!

"Boy or girl? What's her name? What kind is she?" He threw so many questions at me while watching from the stairway to his house.

"She's a girl, her name is Joy, and she's a lab hound mix,"

"Is she neutered?" What?

"Well she's a girl so she's spayed," I replied just saying the facts.

He laughed a little at my correcting and replied, "Damn, I was hoping your dog and my dog could make babies!"

I laughed saying "ohh haha" when really I was thinking THANK GOD SHES SPAYED HES INSANE!!!

"Do you want to meet her?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" so I walked her up the stairs to his house where we continued to talk.

"Oh my god I'm still on the phone!" He laughed and hung up the phone. He ditched his friend to talk to me??!! What does that mean?

"My dogs name is Big after the rapper Biggy" I laughed at his playing with Joy and choice of name.

"Are you a senior?"

"No I'm a sophomore"

"Oh I'm a senior. Do you go to Rosewood?"

"Yeah I do" I didn't want to ask about his high school because I hear he got kicked out of Rosewood.

"Well since I'm a senior and I finished all my credits to graduate I just don't go," lol is that a thing?

"Oh that's cool," I replied not wanting to doubt him.

Then, I almost started peeing my pants laughing because as we were talking, Joy started SNIFFING HIS AREA!!

"Ohh Joy stop it!" I laughed in embarrassment. Then she went on to do something even worse, SNIFF AT HIS CIGARETTE!! God, this is so humiliating!

Then, if things couldn't get more embarrassing his mom came walking his dog Big and his smaller and evil god Ollie. Joy started running around after the dogs, which were all on leashes. Corey took Big, because he's such a big dog, and his mom kept Ollie.

"Hear, honey, hold the leash like this," she instructed me and gave me more advice about dogs.

The leash was so tangled with Big's leash and Corey said, "hey don't worry I got it, I'll untangle it," aw that was kind of sweet too.

After talking to Corey and his mom a little while longer Big jumped on Joy's back. That's weird. "Oh Big is just showing dominance!" His mom said as if nothing was the matter.

Corey just smirked at me and I didn't realize until afterwards but his dog just humped my dog!! Lol embarrassing!!

I said good bye and walked home. Was Corey all that bad? He seemed pretty nice though, I think? Does he like me? Nono probably not, he doesn't like me. Do I kind of like him?

Puppy Love~Corey HaimWhere stories live. Discover now