Chapter 1 "Explanations"

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Authors note: Hey guys not really feeling well, so I may cut the story short or just discontinue it. This isn't a troll, it's a possibility that it may happen since I'm well not feeling well. I am not 100% sure about discontinuing it since I have a lot of readers and I don't want to disappoint you guys. So I'm just unsure right now. Gomenasai if this makes you upset but right now I'm just in a bad situation, and as some of you may know I have shut down my Kik. JJ, Natalie, Sebastian, Hitoryou, and others that I chat on Kik and don't know if you are reading this but yeah. I'm sorry. At the moment I don't know when I will return to Kik, all I know is that I uninstalled the app and NATALIE!!! QUIT GIVING PEOPLE MY FUCKING NUMBER!!!!!! WTF MAN!!! natcat200 LIKE SERIOUSLY!?! -_- *sighs* anyways here's the chapter and sorry it took so long to update but my left wrist is killing me so I typed this with one hand. Anyways, I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did XD!!


Ciel: Yes!!! *uncovers your mouth* Shhh....

Sebastian: ALRIGHT!!! *comes out and the ground shakes* That was clo--- (Y/N)!? *he sees you*

You: I'm so lost. What's going on?

Ciel: There is some explaining I need to do.

Sebastian: Young master?

Ciel: We will discuss this back at the manor. *starts walking back*

You, Lobo, and Sebastian follow Ciel back to the mansion completely confused about this situation. Lobo however was just happy he was with you and Ciel.

Book 2 SebastianxReader FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt