Chapter 5 "Revenge"

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Authors note: Hello awesome readers! I have returned yay! Anyways I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did! XXXDDD

After a long nights sleep you open your eyes slowly, feeling the sun shine on your face. You groan in annoyance and you sit up. You yawn while you rub your eyes, feeling tears roll down your cheeks. You had a string doubt that Sebastian hurt you, but you weren't sure. You try to rerun the events in your head but your head begins throbbing in pain. You wince and try to think of something else.

You: Sebastian.... *you get up*

Claude opens your door and walks in. He smiles seeing you are awake. You turn to look at him, sadness filled in your eyes.

Claude: Good morning (y/n). How did you sleep?

You: .... Claude... What happened?....

Claude: What do you mean?

You: Why would Sebastian.... Why would he do those things?...

Claude: He's a despicable demon.

You: I just... *sighs*

Claude: I apologize for what you have gone through. *walks over to you and stands in front of you*

You look up and stare into his eyes, tears continuing to fall. Claude frowns slightly and wipes away those tears with his gloved thumb.

You: I don't understand...

Claude: Please don't cry. It pains me to see you this upset.

You: Gomen...

Little did you know, Sebastian was in the forest, growing angry by the minute. He was slowly letting some of his demonic form show as he breaks a tree down. Lobo, who followed Sebastian, steers clear from the falling tree. You hear something from a distance and turn around, facing the window.

You: What was that?

Claude: Probably a cat.

Lobo howls.

You: Sounded like a tree fal--- *you hear Lobo howl*

Claude: Are you alright?

You: Lobo..... *you narrow your eyes and you begin having headache* ah...

Claude: Let's take you downstairs.

You: O-okay... But... I need to go to the bathroom first.

Claude: Very well. Breakfast is served in the dinning room. *he leaves the room*

You go to the bathroom and splash water on your face. Your eyes widen as a sudden flashback occurs. You see the reflection of your brother on the mirror and you punch it as you scream. Breaking it into pieces, the glass impaling into your fist. Blood begins dripping from your fist. Claude runs in the bathroom and looks at the scene before him.

Claude: Did the mirror scare you? *chuckles a bit*

You: (your bro's name)....

Claude: Who?

You: You know him. So why are you asking?

Lobo howls again.

Claude: Let's go clean that wound.

You: Don't change the subject! *your headache grows worse* tch... Aahhh!

Claude: Please relax.

You: Lobo... *you run out the bathroom* LOBO!!!!

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