Promises (boyxboy)

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Andrei Stone's Point of View

The hall was totally crowded. There were too many faces around the corner. The hall was filled with annoying voices of girls talking about how they spent their summer vacation, geeks sharing their new invented chemicals and everything, boys shouting at every person they passed and believing they owned this place. Man, this sucks

I felt like I was in a jungle where wild animals were having their welcoming party. I just couldn't believe that mom sent me to this school. I mean, I would rather continue home schooling than going to a real school - it just doesn't make sense for me. 

As I walked at the hall, my thoughts about entering this school were all jumbling around my head as if I was trying to solve a crossword puzzle. I never wish to be here. All of a sudden my body slammed itself on the wall as if I was just a piece of paper being thrown for being a scratch! I was pushed by a group of annoying basketball rebel or whatsoever guys and the worst part was that they didn't even say sorry for me. Those guys really made me think of leaving the freaking school right at that moment.

A guy who was wearing ritzy clothes, who I sensed as a part of the group of boys who pushed me away, looked at me and walked towards me. 

"I'm sorry" said the guy and smiled, showing off his be white porcelains in front of me, which made me feel red and cheeky. I was definitely impressed by him. He wasn't the one who pushed me to the wall, yet he say sorry to me. 

"For what?" said by the most pretentious girl in the campus - ME! I acted as if I don't have any idea about what he was sorry for.

"They pushed you," he said and gave me an adorable smile. 

"You're good... I mean, I'm good, he he" I blurted out. But, seriously, he has a sweet smile. He has angelic hazel eyes, and fair skin. He really looked like an angel to me.

"That's good, what's your name?" he said.

"Andrei Stoner. You can call me Andrei, you?" I said as I offered my hand and waited for him to shake it. Nice one, Andrei!

"John Wilson. Nice to meet you!" he gripped my hands, and shake it. I don't know why, but I felt that I was walking on air. However, our introduction was suddenly disturbed by an annoying person. A guy wearing black shirt with tight pants, walked towards us.

"Hi, John needs to go. He's single, but you're not his type" he said without even bothering to ask my name or even introduce himself. He was so confident or more like over-confident! I don't like this guy! We were just having exchanges of names! I never said that I like his friend. But still I acted like I wasn't offended.

"You can take him" I said and gave him a forced smile.

"Dude, I was just saying sorry to him" said John.

"Wait. What's your name?" said the annoying guy. 

"It's private and I hope John could keep it as secret" I said as I raised one of my eyebrows at John, "Go, you can take your friend. I need to go to my first class" I walked out and the annoying guy shouted.

"Since when did the names become private?"

"Just now!" I said.

I left the two of them and I have decided to search for my room. Seriously, I never thought that those schools at the movies were real. Bullies were everywhere. I was never bullied by someone since pre-school simply because all my life I was just inside our house, home studying.  I never realized that I was already missing the real world. 

I turned to my left when I saw the sign "CAUTION: DANGER ZONE". Oops!  After minutes of walking, I finally saw my room for my first class - The Contemporary English Class!

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