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Jasmin's POV:

I walked into the hospital room to see my dad laying in the bed. He was hooked up to all these different machines. I just stood there and stared. I didn't know what to do. I was in pain, it hurt so badly to see my dad like this. Laying there, like a lifeless body. I was in shock. I couldn't cry. I couldn't move.

A nurse walked in and walked over to my mum and comforted her and said the most horrible words that I will never forget "I'm sorry ma'am but I am afraid that he is dead."

I dropped to the floor but I didn't cry. I was replaying al the memories I have of my dad and I through my head. I just needed my dad.

Another nurse walked in and comforted me and told my mother that she was going to leave me in here for a while alone.

I went over to my dad, he was laying there with bruises and cuts all over his body. His eyes were closed but the rest of his face looked both scared and at rest. My mother had left with both the nurses.

I held his hand and put my head on his shoulder but I still wasn't crying. I felt like I could breath. I looked at him. "You were the greatest dad in the entire world, why did this have to happen to me." .

"I don't want to live with out you." I picked up a needle that was near by and was about to put it in my arm but a nurse walked in and stopped me. She told me that everything is going to be alright.

I still couldn't cry, even though I wanted to. The nurse told me that my mother had made the decision to cremation him so we could spread his ashes in the ocean.

She took me to another room which I think was a guidance councillor office and I laid down on the long black lounge and ended up falling asleep.

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