July 3rd, 2006
9:37 PM

"Frank, all I'm saying is if Mikey wants us to have the Fourth of July barbacue at Pete and his place this year, then we should do that!" Gerard Way yelled to his fiance. Frank Iero rolled his eyes and turned the corner.

They were driving back to their house after a long night out partying with Ray Toro and Pete Wentz. They were both extremely tired. Gerard had been ranting to Frank about where they were going to have the annual Fourth of July barabacue this year, to be honestly, Frank didn't really care. Yet, like always, he was standing his ground in the argument.

Frank had insisted they do it at their place, but Gerard wasn't having any of it. While this ordeal was playing out, Frank was driving them home in their small black car. "Honey, if you want it at Mikey and Pete's, fine," Frank said, finally speaking up. "But you have to promise me, next year we do it at our's. Deal?"

Gerard smiled at his sudden victory. "Deal." Frank nodded. "Great. Now, turn on the radio, it's too quiet in here."

Gerard leaned over and pressed a button that turned on the Current Hits radio. Sugar We're Going Down was now blaring through their speakers. They both hummed along until a few minutes later they were belting out the lyrics, they could actually understand, loudly.

After Sugar was over a song they didn't know came on and they turned off the radio.

Gerard looked over to Frank and smiled. Fiance, fiance. What a great word! Gerard loved thinking about the wedding, the wedding they were set to have in September. September 17th, 2006 to be exact. He had been planning it with Frank for so long and he couldn't wait to walk down the aisle and be united with his partner for the rest of his life.

He had been with Frank for so long now, and he couldn't wait to start the new chapter in his life! He still remembered every detail of Frank proposing to him.

It was at their favorite resturant, Frank said he needed to tell Gerard something. Gerard was scared and excited all at once. Yet, when Frank pulled out a ring and said the famous lines, all the nervous tension Gerard had felt left his body completely. At that moment, he replied by saying, "Yes, of course I will!" And gave Frank the biggest hug and kiss all at once.

Fiance, He thought once more.

He took his eyes off Frank and looked to the darkened road. The street was pitch black, nothing was visible but some streetlights. Only a few times would a car or two whiz pass, but that was it. They were alone.

Frank kept his eyes glued to the road. He knew he was a good driver, he was one of the best actually. Him and Gerard had just bought this car, they had traded it in for their old broken down brown car. The fender of that car had fallen off and the only way you could open the left door was from the inside.

Duct tape held the window together and the only way you could play music was if you played the local radio stations or used old tapes. This car was a lot better than that one.

Frank soon found himself humming this one artist he had only heard one song to. Taylor Swife? Tyler Swif? He had forgotten. She had a lot of potential, she would probably never be too big, but she was a good country artist. The song was Tear Drops on My Gutair, it was the only one he had heard.

Gerard put a piece of black hair behind his ear and stretched out in his seat. He was thinking of ordering pizza and watching House of Wax with Frank tonight. They both loved horror films and that one guy from Supernatural, Jared Padalecki, was in it. Also, their song was in the credits. Even more reason to watch it.

Gerard looked away from his window and over to the front window. He squinted and saw to bright headlights headed toward their car. He was confused at first, but that confusion soon led to panic as it turned into their lane and sped right at them.

"Frank. Frank," Gerard started, Frank tried to turn into the ditch. Too late. "Frank, Frank watch out! Fra-"

The car collided with their's and darken spilled into their vechicle.

Gerard flew back in his seat and his head smashed against the door. He blacked out.

Frank looked over to his fiance laying motionless as they flew through the air. Frank reached into the back, grabbed a blanket, folded it quickly, put it against Gerard, and felt the car make contact with the ground.

Frank flew from his seat and his head smashed the front glass of the window.


Blood covered the window and his face. He felt weak, and pain was shooting throughout his entire body. He couldn't feel his legs, there was a loud ringing noise in his ear, he was coughing up blood, and he could barely breathe. It felt like his ribs had caved in on him. Blood was draining fast and he went unconcious. Little did he realize, he would never wake up.

He was dead.

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