[Frank's POV]

I flopped down onto Mikey's couch and scanned the living room with my eyes. It was quite nice actually, it was spacious and open. Everything was in it's proper place, and when you looked outside, you could see a vast veiw that looked out to one of the the beaches in LA.

"So," I began, Mikey looked at me. He looked really different, which I expected, but it was a pretty big change. He had no longer wore his glasses or beanie, he had a slight very short scruffy beard, and the sides of his head were shaved.

(Image of Mikey currently in this story and in real life):

"Where's Pete?" I asked, contorting my face into a confused matter

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"Where's Pete?" I asked, contorting my face into a confused matter. Mikey cocked an eyebrow and stared at me, as if he was trying to dig up some recollection of who I was referring to. "Pete? Uh.. oh! Pete Wentz?" He asked.

I nodded and looked at Gerard, he looked at me, then looked away uncomfortably. Something was up...

"Uh, he doesn't live here. We're not, um, together anymore. I mean, we're still friends, we're just not dating." He replied, looked around the room awkwardly. My eyes widened.

They weren't dating anymore?! They were one of the cutest couples I knew! Every friend they had knew that one they'd get married. They were soulmates, they were perfect for each other!

"But you guys were such a great couple!" I exclaimed, not thinking about what I was saying. Mikey nodded, trying not to make eye contact. "Yeah, I thought so too." He sighed, Gerard played with his hands nervously.

"What happened?" I asked, Gerard shook his head. "Frank, Mikey doesn't really like to talk about this stuff." I nodded and slumped down into my chair.

"It's okay Gee," Mikey stated, then looking over at me. "It's okay Frank, it was a long time ago. I've moved on, and he has too. I got married to Kristen, and he's dating Meagan Camper and has two kids, so we've both moved on. I'm glad he's happy." He gave me a sad smile.

"I'll make us some coffee." Mikey said, standing up and walking to his kitchen. I nodded and looked at Gerard. He stared at me and smiled shyly. I smiled back and scooted over to him.

"I'm so glad I'm back with the you, Gee." I said, he nodded. "I really missed you, Frankie. Say, uh, this is gonna be a really huge and random question. When you were dead.. did you manage see if there was an afterlife?" He looked me dead in the eyes and all I could make out from his face was fear. Fear of death. Fear that when you died, there was nothing, nothing but your slow decaying corpse inside a coffin.

Was there an afterlife? When I died, I didn't really know I was dead. It all just had felt like a very long realistic dream I was having.. I remembered the car accident, then the loud ringing in my ears. I remembered screams, and a terrible pain shooting through my body.

I remembered the pain go numb as someone grabbed me and held me close as they cried and begged for someone, or something to save me. I rememberd the crying stopping as the dead silence filled my ears. A light had flashed and I was back at my old childhood home.

I saw my father and a younger version of myself playing soccer outside on the shiny green lawn as the sun beat down on our backs, daring us to retreat inside for the cool refreshing breeze of the AC. I watched the expression on my face as I kicked the ball and actually got it into the net. I jumped up and down and my father congratulated me.

That was when we decided to reward ourselves by getting a cold glass of lemonade. I followed them into the house, but instead of entering my childhood kitchen, I was inside a studio.

It was the studio we recorded Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge in. I looked around and spotted Gerard, he was belting out words and pouring every ounce of his soul into the song he was singing. I smiled and sat down next to a distracted Ray. He fiddled with his guitar, seeming as if he was tuning it.

"That's great, Gee. You're sounding fantastic, but can we just try the chorus one more time?" Howard, our producer, stated. Gerard nodded and adjusted the headphone rested on his head. With the click of a button, the instrumental began and so did Gerard's vocals.

"So give me all your poison, and give me all your pills! And give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill. You're running after something, that you'll never kill. If this is what you want, then fire at will!" He yelled into the mic.

I grinned as I heard all the emotion he portrayed as he belted out the lyrics, adding emphasis on each meaningful word he sang. His face contorted with each feeling he portrayed in the song.

I looked over to Ray, who began to strum a tune that would later become the song "I Don't Love You" on our Black Parade album. He hummed along to some of the originally lyrics we had written for the song.

"Push all you want, but who's gonna save me! I keep a gun on the book you gave me!" Gee continued. "Hallelujah, lock and load!"

I looked back at the couch and suddenly I saw Gerard and I sitting there. The scenery turned into our small apartment. It was my birthday, I remember this memory so clearly.

"Okay, I have one more surprise for you!" He said, grinning excitedly. "Close you eyes." He said, giggling. He walked into our bedroom and grabbed a box with no cover on it. A small brown dog was sitting in the box silently.

He handed me the box and told me to open my eyes. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed, pulling the small puppy out of the box and giving it a hug. The dog licked my face and barked happily.

"Thank you so much!" I said, placing the puppy onto the couch and hugging Gerard. I smiled at the two of us on the couch. The mere shadows of that memory soon dissolved and I had awoken in a field.

I snapped back into reality and looked at Gerard, who was still staring at me.

"The afterlife is basically just a bunch of your favorite memories. Yet, I'd much rather be here, with you." I replied, he smiled.

"Thank you, Frankie."

AN - Sorry for this update be extremely late, I've been slightly busy. I hope you enjoyed it, though! Have a great day! ~ Abbey :)

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