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|Gerard's POV|
This wasn't possible, he's dead! I watched him die, I buried him! He's dead. This was all just an illusion from it being ten years after he died, and being up so damn early. It had to be, there was no other logical explanation. I took a long deep breath and looked through the peep hole, expecting him to be gone. He was still there.

A knock slammed against my door. "Gerard, let me in! Please?" He said, I tried to collect myself, then I opened the door. "I thought you'd be more excited to see me." He said, smiling and opening his arms for a hug. I didn't hug him, all I did was stand frozen to the ground.

"This isn't possible. You're no real." I stated, he gave me a confused look. "What do you mean 'I'm not real'?" He asked, I crossed my arms and back away as he inched toward me. This had to be a joke! It was a joke, right? Someone dressed up like Frank and wanted to torture me with sad emotions.

"Y-you're dead." I said, he face went still and he stared at me with a questioning face. "I'm, dead? No, no I'm not. I'm alive! I mean, I woke up in a field after falling unconcious in our car. How long was I out?" He explained, chills swam across my body. How was this happening?

"Frank, you died in that car. I was at your funeral, I buried you. I watched you die, I planned your funeral, I saw that you're dead. I saw you in that coffin Frank, right now you're supposed to be dead. There's no way you'd be able to come back into your body, that thing's just a rotting corpse in the ground. You've been dead for ten years. I don't know who you are, or what you want, but you're not Frank. Now, just leave me alone."

He looked shocked after I told him ten years he had been gone. I began to shut the door until he shoved his foot into the crack, making it come to an abrupt stop. "It's me! Frank, your fiance. Remember, I proposed and-" I felt guilt rush over me and I cut him off. "Frank, I-I moved on. You were dead, so I continued on with my life. I never forgot you, I wished every day I had you with me, but I found Lyndsey and I love her with all my heart."

"We got married and had our little girl, Bandit. I did a solo album and I'm writing comics more than I ever have before. I was even offered a job working on four comice for DC, which I took with great excitement. I'm more than happy. I'm sorry Frank, I love you, but you're eight years too late." I said, he tried to say something, but I shut the door on him and walked up the stairs in my house to my office.

As I trucked up the stairs, I regretted shutting him out like that. Yet, for all I knew, that wasn't Frank. I entered my room and put on David Bowie's Low album on the record player Lynz got me for Christmas.

I went onto Twitter and typed out, "Good morning" and sent the tweet out. I smiled and pulled up my drafts on my Word app on my computer.

I continued writing Umbrella Academy and I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I drank some more coffee and read over what I had written down. 'Maybe I should change the previous dialogue?' I thought to myself. The footsteps soon walked into my office and I heard someone come up behind me. "Hey Lynz, how'd you sleep honey?" I asked, no answer.

"Bandit? Are you in daddy's office again? I'll be right out to play sweetie, go see mom and play with her. I just need to work a little mo-" I turned and saw Frank leaning against my shelf of vinyl records and comics. "Oh my god, how the hell did you get in my house?! Go away and leave me and my family alone! Get out, now!" I yelled.

Lyndsey came rushing in at this point. She looked at me and to where I was staring. Her face grew confused and she came over to comfort me. "Gee, honey, you're screaming at a wall. Maybe that's enough coffee for now?" She asked, rubbing my shoulders soothingly. "I swear I saw-" "Gerard, it's okay, just relax."

I sighed and sat back down at my desk. She left and I went back onto Twitter. "Coffee is weird." I wrote.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and he was there.


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