|| Gerard's POV ||

I opened my eyes drearily and yawned. I was still rested on Mikey's couch in his living room. I looked over to the window and noticed it was pitch black out. Had I been asleep for that long? I looked down at my lap and saw Frank, his head gently placed onto my lap. I smiled and rubbed his back soothingly.

I heard a small groan emit from him and he looked up at me groggily. A small smile crept across his face as he glanced at me. "Hello there Gee," He said, I smirked at him. "You're a sight for sore eyes." He whispered, I chuckled. Was he flirting with me? Two could play this game.

"Why thank you," I said, tracing my finger on his back. "I could say the same for you." He stared at me longingly. Probably thinking about how we could never really be the same as we were before the crash. I was married, he was technically dead.

I watched him prop himself up and sit next to me. He lied his head onto my shoulder and I put my arm around him, pulling him closer to me.

"I love you Gee," Frank whispered. "And I know life is different now, but I want this moment to last forever." I nodded. Sometimes I wished that too. I used to wish for Frank to come back every night, I wished to be taken in his place, I wished for him to be in my arms again. All I wanted was him next to me. 

Everything I had loved and known, quickly disappeared. My life was like sand slipping through the cracks of my fingers, slowly seeping away. He was gone, it was my fault, and I had to live with that. No amount of shitty ¢99 Store condolence cards were going to bring back the man I had once loved more than anything.

He took his head off my should and looked directly at me. I ran my hands through his hair and hooked my thumb onto his chin. Our lips locked together, as if two pieces of a puzzle had connected. I felt my cheeks heat up and I blushed. 

After a little bit, I pulled away and we sat in silence. The both of us just stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a certain type of silence. It felt good, like the both of us were thinking.

In an instance, just like that, Frank tackled me onto the couch. I laughed, it was just like old times! The times I had missed.


The next morning came quickly, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee had filled my nose the minute I had awoken. Mikey was in the kitchen, making breakfast I had assumed. The clinking of plates and different dishes emitted from the kitchen.

I stretched and looked over at Frank, who was sleeping right next to me. I smiled down and him, he was so adorable. As I stared at him, I began to asses what I had happened last night. All I remembered was that Frank and I had.. oh God. Oh my god.. had I-? Yes, yes I did. 

I panicked and jumped up from the sofa. I was married! How could I have been so foolish?! I mean, I loved Frank, but Lynz.. I had a family! A daughter!

I freaked out and began to rush out of the room door and toward the door. I heard Frank wake up and call after me. I didn't look back, this was too much. What would I do? I wanted to be with Frank, but I was married. 'Come on Gerard,' I yelled at myself. 'Shut up! Just, collect your thoughts and relax.'

"Gerard!" Frank hollered after me. I didn't want to look back, but I did. I looked into Frank's eyes, and I swear I say them flash red. I shook my head and scanned his face once more. It didn't look like Frank, it looked like someone else.

He looked dead and hollow. It seemed as if there was no soul in his body, only a mere shadow of what used to be Frank. This wasn't my Frankie, this was a beast controlling his body. I needed to run.

"Where are you going?" He asked coldly, almost in an irritated tone. I glared at him, and opened the door.

"Away from here."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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